How common is oversleeping? According to research published in Annals of Neurology , 8. People with a mood disorder were three to 12 times more likely to oversleep and two to four times more likely to report a poor quality of life compared with those who slept less. Some people naturally need more sleep than others. For these people, oversleeping is normal. Makekau says.
Khan says oversleeping is generally accompanied by symptoms of tiredness during the day, including grogginess, headache, decreased energy, and mood changes.
The Cleveland Clinic suggests trying to get your sleeping back on track yourself by:. If you still find yourself oversleeping regularly after making these changes, schedule a visit with your primary care physician. Magalang says doctors will typically employ a process of elimination to rule out conditions in order to determine the underlying issue.
Your sleep needs will vary over your lifetime, your sleep chronotype , age, activity level, general health, and lifestyle. T he AASM recommends the following sleep amounts based on age that you can use as a general baseline:.
Instead, look for sudden changes in your sleep schedule. Were you normally getting 7 hours of sleep and feeling fine, but now you need closer to 10 and feel terrible? Likewise, there are often temporary causes of oversleeping, too. The risks of sleeping too much and conditions linked to oversleeping include:.
While a select few of us really do require more sleep than most, if you are sleeping more than the recommended amount, a talk with your doctor is the best next step. Sleep needs can vary from person to person, but in general, experts recommend that healthy adults get an average of 7 to 9 hours per night of shuteye. If you regularly need more than 8 or 9 hours of sleep per night to feel rested, it might be a sign of an underlying problem, Polotsky says.
A number of conditions can disrupt sleep or interfere with the quality of your slumber, leading you to feel tired and sluggish even after spending 8 hours in bed, says Polotsky. Those conditions include:. Those include:. Fortunately, there are treatments for many of these conditions, which can help improve the quality of your sleep.
He or she might recommend a sleep study to rule out sleep disorders.