What happens if your breasts hurt

Pain that lasts more than a week around the time of a period, or pain that stops a woman from everyday activities is not considered to be normal. For many women, the biggest concern about breast soreness is that it is a sign of cancer; however, breast soreness is not often associated with cancer and it does not put you at any increased risk of breast cancer.

You should follow the recommendations for screening for breast cancer for women of your age and family history. Sometimes, even with all this information, it will still not be possible to tell you what is causing your pain.

Everyone manages the impact of pain differently. The list below contains tips that might help you to relieve breast soreness or discomfort. Most have not been scientifically proven; however, some women find them effective.

If you are taking prescription medicines, it is also worth discussing with your doctor whether any of these might be causing the soreness.

All women need to be alert to any changes in their breasts that are not normal for them. If you have any change in your breast that is different to your normal hormonal changes, you should have it checked by your General Practitioner GP. For many women, breast soreness is upsetting. It can bring up many different feelings and worries. Most of the time, women feel relieved to know that breast soreness is a common condition that is not harmful or dangerous.

Sometimes, however, women feel anxiety or frustration. Some women find that breast soreness affects how they feel about themselves, their sexuality, relationships or work performance. Living with pain of any kind is difficult. Very rarely, doctors will prescribe tamoxifen for breast pain. Tamoxifen is an anti-estrogen medication used to prevent and treat breast cancer, and studies have shown it to be effective for reducing breast pain. But it does come with potential side effects, including hot flashes and a small risk of blood clots.

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Related Articles. Trending Topics. You may feel a sharp, shooting pain at the time of injury. Tenderness can linger for a few days up to several weeks after trauma to the breast.

Without proper support, the ligaments that connect breasts to the chest wall can become overstretched and painful by the end of the day. The result is achy, sore breasts. This may be especially noticeable during exercise. Make sure your bra is the correct size and provides good support. What feels like breast pain may actually be coming from your chest wall. This is the area of muscle, tissue and bone that surrounds and protects your heart and lungs. Common causes of chest wall pain include:.

Breastfeeding can sometimes be the source of breast pain. Some of the things you can experience while nursing include:. Breastfeeding women are most likely to get breast infections mastitis , but they occasionally occur in other women, too.

If you have a breast infection, you may have a fever and symptoms in one breast, including:. Treatment typically includes antibiotics and pain relievers. Some medications may cause breast pain as a side effect.

Some drugs with this known side effect include:.


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