It also serves as a quick option to incapacitate a person without killing him, since pistol-whipping is slightly less likely to be lethal than shooting the guy. A rare case of the Evil Overlord List not reflecting common sense as nearly all modern militaries train their troops in how to fight using their rifle as a melee weapon although it might be that the Evil Overlord thought that it can damage the gun or not be deadly to the hero.
This was also fairly common during the time periods where firearms were not very advanced and required a lot of time and effort to reload, which meant that sometimes it was more prudent to use your gun as a melee weapon rather than trying to reload it in the middle of battle.
Of course, fighting with a rifle is also quite a different thing from doing so with a pistol. May be a form of Quick Melee. For another kind of melee attack with a firearm preferably a sharp one , see Bayonet Ya.
Community Showcase More. Follow TV Tropes. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Pistol-whipping with your finger on the trigger : Don't Try This at Home. Drops him right to the floor. Everyone jumps. He falls down screaming, blood squirts out of his nose, freaks everybody out. Nobody says fucking shit after that. White , Reservoir Dogs. Anime and Manga. Train Hartnett of Black Cat has basically turned this into a fine art.
Since he's chosen not to kill people, he's always clubbing them with his very hard and indestructible gun , although since he's a former elite assassin it might explain why he's able to avoid killing with it. Acknowledged but advised against in the Black Lagoon manga. Revy is chastised by her gunsmith when he notices minor damage done to one of her weapon's grips caused when she smashed a guy's face in with it.
Revy has no intention of stopping though. Kaname hits a captured Tessa with the handle of a gun in the Full Metal Panic! To be fair, by that time it wasn't exactly Kaname since she was possessed by Sophia.
And not to mention, it gets worse soon. Sort of. In episode 17 of Future Boy Conan when Orlo betrays the village he pulls out a gun hidden in his cast and knocks out Jimsy with it by hitting him on the head. He first smashes Silver in the face with his pistol, breaking his mask in the process, then he bashes Gold over the head with it until he caves his skull in. Surprisingly, this doesn't kill him.
Mazinkaiser SKL has a justified version of this, as the guns were designed with this functionality in mind. The magazines have curved blades on the base, allowing them to be wielded as hand-axes by gripping the barrels. It can even take things a step further, with the conjoined pistols sprouting a long handle to become a battleaxe. In One Piece , this seems to be Benn Beckman's preferred form of combat, although it probably counts more as rifle whipping. Mami Tomoe of Puella Magi Madoka Magica performs this action correctly using the butt of the rifles during her Unlimited Musket Works , except in her case it's meant to knock a target away so she can shoot it.
In the first episode of Sherlock Hound , Professor Moriarty does this to his henchman George after the gun he has given to him is out of bullets. Early in the second season of Strike Witches , Gertrude's two heavy machine guns run out of ammo, so she grabs them by the barrels and uses them as melee weapons.
Comic Books. The Adventures of Tintin : Tintin knocks out two criminals with this in The Black Island to shut them up when he realizes that the gun he obtained from them is empty.
As one article pointed out this happened a lot to the original Black Canary. It goes From Bad to Worse , culminating in the infamous "crowbar scene". Bats was not pleased when he found out.
The Joker does this to Barbara Gordon during his assault on her in Birds of Prey , in response she hits him in the face with her baton, breaking most of his teeth. Code Name: Gravedigger : In Men of War 19, Gravedigger is given a dud rifle, which he discovers as a German soldier is bearing down on him. He resorts to using the rifle as a club after diverting the German by Throwing the Distraction.
Lucky Luke : Joe Dalton gets to utilise his gun this way a few times, once against a merchant who asked for his payment when the purchase got complicated by fake money, giving a simple solution to the equation.
In Quantum and Woody , Woody butt strokes an armored goon after discovering his rifle has been loaded with rubber bullets. Sin City In the original comic though not in the film , Marv actually criticises Wendy's technique while she's pistol-whipping him in case she harms the gun!
But then, he is crazy. And unkillable. After Marv and his parole officer Lucille escape from her cell, he is about to attack some cops.
Lucille hits him in the back of the head with a gun and knocks him out in order to protect him from them.
The Transformers: Robots in Disguise : When the Decepticons are sent out, unarmed, to control the Neutral Riot, one of the first things Blitzwing does is grab a rifle and smash half of Tappet's face with it, crushing an eye.
In Barry Windsor-Smith's Weapon X this is what knocks Logan unconscious after being ambushed and drugged by his abductors. In The Mighty Thor specifically issue of the original run , Skurge the Executioner makes a Last Stand at the bridge Gjallerbru against an army of the dead wielding a pair of M rifles.
The last image shows him wielding one of them as a club after running out of ammunition. The Good Hunter : Occasionally done by the eponymous Good Hunter, should he be unable to reload fast enough. His Super Strength means that this is pretty effective, as an unfortunate monster and an Order soldier can attest to, both of whom have their skulls cracked like an egg in Chapter 3 and 6 respectively.
If it is possible for one to actually kill via this method in Real Life , they are not going to survive any time soon. The Secret Return of Alex Mack : Terawatt has a tendency to pull guns out of people's hands with her telekinesis and then club them. Probably justified since she fights at range, so the targets' own guns are the weapon she has available, and she prefers nonlethal solutions so she won't just pull the trigger. Dimitri in Anastasia is on the receiving end of a rifle butt to the temple after he helps Anastasia and her grandmother escape the implied Bolsheviks.
In Beavis And Butthead Do America when the government agents break into the school to try and arrest Beavis and Butthead because they have a chip that contains a deadly virus inside, when Mr. Van Driessen tries to plead with them, one of them gets irritated and knocks him out by hitting him in the stomach with his rifle butt.
In 68 Kill , Chip hits Liza in he head with the butt of his pistol when he tries to free Violet and escape. Interestingly, Tap on the Head is averted, with Lisa not being knocked out but continuing to attack Chip only to pass out several minutes. She is later shown to have been concussed and been in the hospital. In a sickening scene in the movie 8mm , Nicholas Cage's character beats James Gandolfini's character to death with a pistol butt. Gandolfini's character had just pointed out that he's hardly going to murder him with his own legally registered firearm.
In 9th Company , Chugainov does this to a mujaheddin fighter when the PKM he is wielding malfunctions by grasping the barrel with both hands and swinging it like a club. It decks the fighter right away. Chugainov burns his hands black because the barrel is burning hot due to having just been used to put out a heavy sustained fire. He fittingly drops the weapon immediately afterwards and looks at his hands while screaming in pain. While John Parker is infiltrating Buckaroo's estate a Blue Blaze Irregular clocks him on the back of the head with a pistol butt and knocks him out.
In Apache , Sieber captures Massai when he tries to disrupt the surrender by slamming him with a rifle while he is attempting to kill Weddle. Later, Massai uses his empty rifle as a club when he makes a desperate charge in the soldiers attempting to capture him. In the western film Appaloosa , Virgil Cole and Everett Hitch are sheriffs-for-hire of the titular town.
They ride up a hill on the outskirts of town to investigate some cowboys hanging around, suspecting they work for a local bandit boss. When one of the cowboys refuses to say who they're spying for, Virgil unleashes a particularly nasty pistol whip on the unsuspecting fellow. It gets him talking pretty quickly, right after he spits the blood out.
Cowboy : Ow! You knocked my tooth out! Cole : Well, a Colt makes a heavy firearm and that's a fact! In the BattleTech Expanded Universe 's Warrior Trilogy , Hanse Davion uses his Battlemaster's 7-ton particle projector cannon to piston-whip a Capellan Confederation battlemech, crushing the cockpit , before ripping off a Marauder's Arm Cannon and using it to bludgeoning several other battlemechs to death.
Suvorov's book Control, an elite soviet agent had to choose a handgun with the condition that it should not be made in the USSR. She got a Lahti L, not even for its lesser recoil, just because it's a sturdy 1. And uses Parabellum 9 mm ammo after all. Justified Trope , as the need for silent action made pistol-whipping a sound tactic. Dave Barry Slept Here has the American revolutionaries triumphantly adopting the tactic at the Battle of Concord of hitting the British troops over the head with their muskets, simply because they took forever to load.
The failure of this tactic to fend off Santa Anna's troops at the Alamo serves as a lesson to Sam Houston, who orders his troops to start using their rifles as rifles.
He then finishes the job by stealing Gatling's revolver and whacking him over the head with it. In the Gaunt's Ghosts novels, McVenner does this frequently. He's much more effective with this than is usual since he's an expert in an obscure martial art form meant for use with a spear Which his bayoneted rifle is a good substitute for. In "Gentlemen, the King! Izzy Cheesecake taps him on the noggin with the butt of a forty-five, and knocks him cock-eyed.
Live-Action TV. In the Alfred Hitchcock Presents ' episode "Number Twenty-two" a first-time robber did this to a shopkeeper with the toy gun he used to threaten him. He doesn't realize he killed the shopkeeper, and is guilty of felony murder. In the end because the war is over, and it's not his place to execute people, he resorts to pistol whipping the replacement instead.
The Barrier : Alejo uses his gun to hit Julia at a point where he has her at his mercy, right after threatening to shoot her if she wans't compliant. Battlestar Galactica "Rapture". Tyrol to Baltar: "Welcome home, Mr. In the Jesse James vs. Al Capone episode of Deadliest Warrior , pistol-whipping is tested as one of Jesse James' "weapons" against Al Capone's brass knuckles. Colonel March of Scotland Yard : In "The New Invisible Man", March attempts to turn the tables on a crook who has the drop on him, only for the crook to knock him unconscious with his pistol.
Striking with a handgun is a very viable tactic when used in the proper context. This article is from the fall issue of Ballistic Magazine. Grab your copy at OutdoorGroupStore. For purposes of clarity, I consent to Athlon's collection, storage, processing, and transfer of my Personal Data and Non-Personal Data as defined in the Privacy Policy for the purpose of signing up for the email newsletter. It utilizes an interchangeable barrel and quick takedown technology.
The system […]. Photo by Alfredo Rico. Comment s. Click to share on Facebook Opens in new window Click to share on Twitter Opens in new window Click to share on Pinterest Opens in new window Click to email this to a friend Opens in new window. Pistol Whip Grip The proper grip for a powerful, controlled pistol punch is a solid shooting grip with the trigger finger straight along the frame.
Pistol Whip Drill Here you can see the pistol punch in action. He then immediately follows up with quick shots on the adjacent paper target. Stay in the know with the latest from the Ballistic newsletter Sign-up today! Sign up for our newsletter Sign Up.
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In modern times, pistols are much more compact, typically extending no more than approximately four inches past the trigger, making them much less suitable for pistol-whipping with the barrel than their predecessors. Because of this, pistol-whipping is now mainly performed by hitting a person with the base of the grip while still holding it normally, striking in a downwards motion.
This adds the weight of the gun to the force of the blow and allows the metal frame rather than the barrel to be the point of impact but deprives the blow of the leverage provided by barrel length. Pistol whipping may leave unusual lacerations on the body of the injured due to various protruding details of the pistol.
The magazine well and base produce rectangular lacerations on the skin. Pistol-whipping should not be confused with butt-stroking , a close combat military discipline. Military Wiki Explore. Popular pages. Project maintenance.