What happens if you ignore a cavity

Your biannual visits to The Dental Center of Westport are the final requirement for excellent dental care. Kogan and her team a chance to look for small signs of decay and infection — and stop them early when they do occur. If it has been more than six months since your last checkup and cleaning, what are you waiting for? Contact The Dental Center of Westport to book your visit today! You can still avoid a cavity with flouride treatments done by your dentist.

When you first get a cavity, only the enamel of your tooth is affected. At this point, most people won't feel any pain or sensitivity. You'll probably only know you have a cavity through regular dental checkups. If your cavity isn't treated at the enamel stage, it then decays further and spreads to the middle layer of your tooth, which is called the dentin. A cavity then grows down into the innermost layer of your tooth, where it affects your pulp and nerves.

Infected pulp can cause an abscess to form, which is typically painful and can cause temperature sensitivity. At this point, your dentist might attempt to save your tooth with a root canal, but if they can't, the tooth will need to be extracted.

Eventually, the decay will grow to a point where it undermines tooth structure and reaches the nerve of the tooth. Leaving a cavity untreated could also cause more serious complications. In very rare and extreme cases, if the infection from a decaying tooth isn't treated properly, it may spread to your brain and could even be fatal.

At an early stage, a cavity only needs to be treated with a simple dental filling or a crown. If the cavity has gotten to the innermost layer of your tooth and affected the pulp and nerves, a root canal procedure will have to be done. If a cavity is extensive, then porcelain inlays, onlays, and crowns can be used as restorations," says Grbic.

Cavities can be prevented by maintaining a good oral hygiene routine and paying a visit to your dentists regularly. While dental visits might not sound very pleasant, treating a cavity can be even more unpleasant. Although it requires treatment, cavities are a natural result of teeth breaking down, and it is one of the most commonly experienced dental issues for adolescents, teens, and adults alike. Many factors contribute to the formation of a cavity.

Depending on your mouth health, your saliva can mix with the sugary foods you digest to eat away at your tooth. Ignoring your oral health by neglecting to brush and floss regularly can also cause cavities to form. Because cavities are the results of gradual decay, when they first begin, they are often unnoticeable.

However, as more time passes without treatment, the cavity will grow and become larger. If left untreated, cavities become infected and lead not only to tooth loss but bone density loss in your jaw. But, by going to a dentist every six months, you CAN help ensure that any cavities you do have, are caught and treated promptly. Once a cavity forms, your Bellevue dentist will suggest a treatment plan that will include a filling for the cavity.

The filling will also help to stop your tooth from continuing to decay while maintaining the integrity of your bite for comfort during eating and drinking.


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