What is terrier breed

The coat gradually fades to the distinctive blue-gray color as the dog matures. The final color of adult Kerry Blue Terriers can vary from a deep slate blue to light blue-gray.

Kerries do not shed much, but they require professional grooming every few months. Physical Characteristics: Upstanding and in good balance, with a well-developed and muscular body. The short soft, wavy coat is blue-gray in color. The Miniature Schnauzer is a bred-down version of the larger Standard Schnauzer. Both Schnauzer breeds, as well as their cousin, the Giant Schnauzer, originated in Germany, where they were indispensable working farm dogs and rat catchers.

Miniature Schnauzers are spirited and playful and need moderate daily activity. Physical Characteristics: Sturdily built, nearly square in proportion, with plenty of bone. The wiry double coat may be salt and pepper, black and silver, or solid black. Named after its city of origin in England, the Norwich Terrier hunted foxes, working in large packs and running alongside the hunters. The Norwich Terrier is one of the smallest of all the terrier breeds, but brave as they come and big on love.

Physical Characteristics: Stocky, hardy, and with good bone and substance. The hard, wiry, straight coat comes in red, wheaten, black and tan, or grizzle. Though most terriers originated in Great Britain, the Rat Terrier was developed in the United States in the early s, where it was used to hunt and kill rats and other rodents on farms.

Rat Terriers come in two sizes: miniature and standard. They are high-spirited, energetic, and determined little dogs that need a good amount of daily exercise and play to stay content. Physical characteristics: Sturdy, compact and small to medium sized. The smooth, shiny, short coat comes in pied patterns one or more colors with large patches of white.

Scottish Terriers were prized fox and badger hunters for centuries in the Scottish Highlands, where they also earned their keep killing rats and other vermin on farms. Scotties have short legs, but their bodies are long and substantial. Although the black Scottish Terrier is very well known, the breed also comes in wheaten lighter tan and brindle darker tan with tiger stripes.

Like many other terriers, Scotties are scrappy and bold, and may not get along with other strange dogs. Physical Characteristics: Thick-bodied and heavy-boned. The hard, wiry comes in black, wheaten or brindle. Our Ultimate Care plan and Peace of Mind plan each have a rating of 4. Terrier Dog Breeds Terriers are a specific group and type of dog that were originally bred to dig and hunt for prey like foxes, moles, badgers, and rats. Show 12 24 View All. Airedale Terrier The Airedale Terrier is the largest of all terrier breeds.

American Staffordshire Terrier The American Staffy, American Staffordshire Terrier or Amstaff is a very muscular and energetic medium-sized breed of domesticated dog with a short silky coat and a highly loyal and courageous temperament.

Australian Terrier The Australian Terrier a. Border Terrier The Border Terrier is a small powerful, fearless dog that loves to hunt and dig. Boston Terrier The Boston Terrier is an American breed of domesticated dog, small to medium-sized with a muscular and heavy-set appearance similar to the English terrier breeds. Bull Terrier The Bull Terrier is a stout and muscular dog, stubborn and independent in nature and very loyal to its owner.

Irish Terrier The Irish Terrier is a medium-sized dog and one of the oldest breeds of terrier. Jack Russell Terrier The Jack Russell is a small and spirited domesticated dog of the terrier family.

Page 1 2 Next. Get a one minute quote. Find the right dog breed for you with our Breed Selector. Like many terriers, they do need a lot of exercise and stimulation, however. Their silky soft coat contrasts with the coarse hair of many terrier breeds. Similarly, their temperament is a bit softer than the average terrier. You Should Know: With its more relaxed personality, the Wheaten is a good starter terrier for those who have never owned one. That said, the breed is high-maintenance in one respect — that luxurious coat needs regular brushing to prevent matting.

This breed is commonly and understandably confused with the American Staffordshire Terrier. The most obvious difference is size, as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier or Staffy is more compact. Bred to be the ultimate fighting dog in s England, the Staffy is built like a block of cement but is considerably more agile.

Today, the breed is known as an amazing family pet, and is particularly popular in the United Kingdom and Australia. You Should Know: Staffies are known for being sweet and especially good with children. This breed is related to the smaller Lakeland Terrier and the larger Airedale Terrier, and bears a resemblance to both. Said to be one of the oldest terrier breeds, the Welsh Terrier was originally bred to exterminate troublesome varmints in Wales.

You Should Know: This is a solid dog breed with few health concerns and a good average lifespan. The main thing new owners should be concerned with is keeping these dogs occupied, as they have a lot of energy.

The white color was likely bred into these dogs to prevent them from being mistaken for foxes when on the hunt. These dogs have historically excelled in two areas: hunting foxes and winning dog shows. Of course, they do more of the latter these days, winning their group at Westminster more than just about any other breed.

They also make darn good companions, if you can keep up with these smart and athletic dogs. If you use popularity as the yardstick, this is the true king of the terriers. With their silky fur and precious Ewok-like faces, Yorkies seem to be made for pampering. You Should Know: Teacup Yorkies have become a trendy choice. However, the ethics of breeding ever-tinier dogs is questionable at best.

Any breeder of teacup dogs warrants extra scrutiny. As mentioned, it takes a special person to own a terrier. Given enough love and attention — and perhaps an obedience class or two — even a particularly challenging terrier can fit right into your pack.

Want to know what makes terriers different? Read More About Boston Terriers. Read More About Cairn Terriers. The diminutive Australian Terrier is plucky, spirited, and smart—how did they fit so much dog… See More Compare Breed.

Cairn Terriers are happy, busy little earthdogs originally bred to fearlessly root out foxes and… See More Compare Breed. Sturdily… See More Compare Breed. Gentler, less excitable than most terriers, but still bold and spirited, the double-coated Glen of… See More Compare Breed. Load More. Compare Breeds.


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