The important thing is that you are now focused on the right way to think about Critical Chance and Critical Rating.
What spec is your sorc? The class guides I posted have specific recommendations if you look over the sorc dps or sorc healing guide. An Op healer IMHO benefits a bit more with a closer to but perhaps not over crit rating, at least for my style. The additional idea is that when an op has to blow 2 GCD on an actual cast that you do so when crit is maximum either from a focused retribution proc or when you get the chance to wander over to a Sin circle of love, and again here the higher crit rating helps.
In many boss fights at least in a phase or two of the fight the natural tank mitigation with a partner healer who knows the game you are playing, this is possible and the crits when they hit from the rating or proc gives the op even more time to address the field.
With of course the exception being Nefra where by the time you are done debuffing 1 or 2 in the field, you are begging for a crit to keep the tanks from getting cleaved into the nether world. Pare this style of Op healing with a good Sorc and even recently I am also liking the mitigation increase that a Merc healer brings to the table, that allows even more overall EFFECTIVE healing and this can be much greater than you would think where some think the crits are wasted with extensive over heals.
What I do not understand is that at end game our gear choices are rather limited, thus making much of decisions about crit moot. I go with that the gear gives me. Awhile ago I was healing a FP and one of the other characters told me I had to too much crit and needed to balance power. I guess my real question is, is this guide more for the argument that we should trust the gear and not add crit?
Or is it more to dispel the myths of crit system? Now if I could only find an article that explains Crew Skills and crits, because I believe most of the time I wasting my money sending companions out on missions to gain purple crafting mats. If you honestly think that the gear sets provided for your class are optimal, then maybe you should just stick to Crew Skills and crafting. Typically, a healer regardless of which MMO wants to minimize crit.
Healers prefer consistent throughput rather than spiky RNG healing. This is also in part due to the fact that heals are in the unique position that they have a maximum effective amount. Lets say the tank is 5k hp from full health. Crit is far from useless for healers, it just typically is not as beneficial as alacrity or power.
Is this too simple an analysis for Sorc Healers, given the importance of Force Surge? Getting Innervation to crit so that it generate stacks of Force Surge seems pretty important to maintaining enough Force in a long HM fight, as well as for the other benefits Force Surge provides. Overhealing is less an issue than old WoW players make it to be, at least when associated with crits. Healers, at least sages, -do- need crit.
We rely on Healing Trance crits for energy management. Likewise, having constant crits and lower baseline casts will end up making you just as useless. We have to painstakingly balance out our specific gearing needs. Up to a point, crit rating is infinitely more valuable than alacrity can ever be for us. Also, any endgame healer knows the value of those crits coming at the right moment and saving the raid a wipe! The number of perfect little raids where no one is never almost dying is pretty close to zero.
So many raids have been saved by dual-hitting the alacrity and crit buffs and popping another 25k HP onto the tank in 2. Oh no, I failed already! This would make you a less effective healer as it would mean sacrificed some Power in order to get Critical Rating.
You should target a specific Critical Rating. I hope to only present provable ideas. Perhaps later I will try to aggregate something. Also, I want to make sure people understand the basics. I feel a lot of recommendations are made without understanding the basics. This leads to a lot of unnecessary squabbling. I died a little inside then. This article — like the future ones — is not meant to tell you how to gear your toon. They are meant to get you to think critically about your gear. I am trying to make the concepts easy to understand so player can make more informed and better decisions about their gear.
You need to look at the abilities used in order to estimate this. Since this is spec by spec, you will need to refer to a spec specific guide. That would make more sense, giving room for higher critical chance gained through my build that relies more on RNG anyways.
Correct, there is no DR for Critical Chance. Two of the components have independent DRs. And, you should consider them as such. The class guides are written by someone else and they are not exactly correct about not stacking crit due to high DR. It is more of a case of not getting more benefit by getting more crit compared to other stats. So it should be treated as more of a stat window than anything else then with the low end of the window being just as effective as the high end regardless of whether or not I have 3K or 3.
Again, just wondering due to a lack of percentage based sweet spot given. The graph is of Critical Rating not Critical Chance, there is a difference. I am not sure I can say it any clearer than my last post: There is no DR for critical chance, but two of its components have independent DRs.
Basically, Surge amplifies the damage of a critical hit. The benefits of Surge don't become immediately clear until your character has a higher Crit Rating and proper gear. Last Edited: 25 Feb am. Was this guide helpful? Due to this change we have tweaked the values that this rating converts into.
Generally an equal rating prior to Fallen Empire will result in less critical hit change and damage from before, but this is simplified by only having one rating. Quote: Originally Posted by Giliodor. I feel like this is a big mistake. In the game I played before this LotRO , the same change was made, and at that point, things got out of hand. I think that with the current system, players need to create a delicate balance between Surge and Critical Rating, which at least requires a bit of thinking.
Mubrak Let us turn off that gaudy flashing icon over every vendor's head. Let us sort our companion list and hide or kick out the unwanted ones!
And if I can take only crit and end up with the same multiplier, that's going to be crazy, because in addition to an equal level of Surge rating, I'll have quite a bit more critical chance. Unless, of course, the ratings are balanced out. They didn't do that in LotRO, they simply added critical multiplier without readjusting anything. I don't know, but it just feels wrong to me.
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