Should i take agnus castus every day

Eur J Herbal Med ; Vitex agnus castus extract for the treatment of menstrual irregularities due to latent hyperprolactinemia. Arzneim Forsch ; [in German]. Amann W. Improvement of acne vulgaris following therapy with Agnus castus Agnolyt.

Ther Ggw ; [in German]. Learn more about TraceGains, the company. The information presented by TraceGains is for informational purposes only. It is based on scientific studies human, animal, or in vitro , clinical experience, or traditional usage as cited in each article.

The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For many of the conditions discussed, treatment with prescription or over the counter medication is also available.

Information expires December This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated, disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of Use.

Learn how we develop our content. Healthwise, Healthwise for every health decision, and the Healthwise logo are trademarks of Healthwise, Incorporated. Uses Botanical names: Vitex agnus castus. What Are Star Ratings? This supplement has been used in connection with the following health conditions: Used for Why 3 Stars. Vitex has been shown to help balance of estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle and may alleviate PMS symptoms.

Vitex has been shown to improve fertility, particularly for women with luteal phase defect, it should be discontinued once a woman becomes pregnant. Agnus castus has been shown in some studies to reduce breast tenderness. Some older, preliminary research suggests that vitex might help clear premenstrual acne, possibly by regulating hormonal influences. Some older, preliminary German research suggests that vitex might contribute to clearing of premenstrual acne, possibly by regulating hormonal influences on acne.

Women in these studies used 40 drops of a concentrated liquid product once daily. In herbal medicine, vitex, also known as chaste tree, is sometimes used to treat amenorrhea. Research suggests it may regulate hormones related to menstruation and fertility. Vitex agnus castus is one of the best-recognized herbs in Europe for promoting lactation.

It should not be used during pregnancy. Vitex is recommended either alone or in combination with other herbs, such as dandelion root, prickly ash, and motherwort, by some doctors to treat endometriosis symptoms. Among women taking vitex, menorrhagia has reportedly improved after taking the herb for several months.

One trial found that vitex tincture could increase the amount of milk produced by mothers with or without pregnancy complications. Traditional Use May Not Be Supported by Scientific Studies Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Theophrastus mention the use of vitex for a wide variety of conditions, including hemorrhage following childbirth and assisting with the "passing of afterbirth. How It Works Botanical names: Vitex agnus castus.

How It Works Vitex contains several different constituents, including flavonoids, iridoid glycosides, and terpenoids. How to Use It Caution: Agnus castus should not be taken during pregnancy. Interactions Botanical names: Vitex agnus castus. Agnus-castus may also cause irregularities in people with regular cycles, though this has been rarely reported in clinical trials 9. The primary way agnus-castus affects the menstrual cycle is by stimulating dopamine receptors in the brain 2,9—11, Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects many bodily processes, including alertness 22 and hormone release Agnus-castus binds to dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland 1.

This can lead to a decrease in the release of the hormone prolactin 9—11 , among other hormones. Prolactin is the primary hormone responsible for promoting lactation, or the creation of milk in pregnant and postpartum people Your body releases this hormone during the luteal phase in order to prepare your body for pregnancy if one should occur during your cycle 2. Prolactin release is one of the reasons people may experience enlarged, swollen or tender breasts approaching menstruation 2.

When prolactin levels are especially high, a person may be diagnosed with hyperprolactinaemia 5. Hyperprolactinaemia is associated with decreased progesterone, another important reproductive hormone. Some people may experience infertility due to decreased progesterone because progesterone is important for fetal development 2.

When agnus-castus stimulates dopamine receptors, this, theoretically, decreases the amount of prolactin produced, leading to a decrease in premenstrual syndromes and possible changes to progesterone levels 9— These changes to progesterone levels may also affect the length of the luteal phase and affect cycle irregularity Because of this dopaminergic effect, people using dopamine antagonists, or drugs that are meant to reduce dopamine stimulation, should talk to a healthcare provider before using agnus-castus to make sure there are no interactions.

If you decide to try agnus-castus extract in some form, you can use Clue to track if and how agnus-castus affects your menstrual-cycle experience. Download Clue to track both positive and negative changes throughout your menstrual cycle. There are two main hormones which control the cycle, oestrogen and progesterone.

During the first half of your cycle, your oestrogen levels rise, you ovulate and its levels start to fall. It needs to be taken every day of the month, and it can take up to 3 months to reach its full effect.

Agnus castus can be taken long term , however, once improvements are felt then there may no longer be the need to continue — you can always start to take it again should the improvements no longer be felt.

Remember that Agnus castus cannot be used alongside any other hormone-balancing products, such as the Pill or the Mirena coil, for example. The reason for the contraindications is that contraceptives work by deliberately creating in imbalance in your hormones. Clever old Agnus castus will most likely rebalance them and in doing so, will prevent the medication from working.

Join to receive 7 days of tips and advice from Nutritionist Emma, covering everything you need to know to get your period symptoms under control. Looking for a solution to to help with symptoms such as menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, bloating, irritability, mood swings?

To find local independent stores in your area that sell Agnus castus, simply type your postcode below. I have hypothyroidism, inflammatory acne 3 years now and irregular periods. I take zinc 25mg wich helps with my periods but not enough because I still have acne. Your opinion will be really appreciated! She has been taken them for about a week now.. Did you ever get an answer to this?

I have a 15 year old in the same situation. I would like her to try Vitex before the pill! Faith, did you receive a response to your question? I read it can messed up more your period if your menstrual problem is not related to a high prolactin level. I have low androgen levels, premature LH that creates a short follicular phase, very poor endometrium, light and super short periods.

I have insulin resistance, high blood glucose around 6. I love Vitex. It is the Only supplement or medicine that has reduced my PMS and even menstrual cramps.

It has improved dramatically my quality of life. Is Vitex suitable for severe pms? Hi Lara I have been on Vitex without any break at all for 3 or 4 years! This has been under the care of a naturopath. I am now 40 and symptoms and bloods shows signs of premature menopause. My naturopath has suggested during my next cycle I take a different brand of vitex which has 5x the amount of the herb in it compared to Premular which is what Ive been taking. Do you agree with this?? I really need some sort of support to manage my peri menopausal symptoms.

Hi carly which brand of vitex currently taking.. I have been having Thompson since last one year.. I also have perimenopause and my periods have stopped since last 2 months..

Dear Lara, I have started taking vitex almost a month ago to fight my terrible PMS and promote ovulation. Four days ago I should have gotten my period but till no sign of it.

I have noticed a little spotting yeterday and today though. I read that vitex can prolong cycles. Mine have been super regular always. Hello Lara, I am 33 years old, I am thin, healthy and I have no children yet. My cycles have a short luteal phase days and I also have spotting from day 9 of the luteal phase until the beginning of the menstrual period. I took a mid-luteal progesteron test and found that I had ovulated.

Would taking vitex help me to prolong my luteal phase and stop spotting? Hi Lara, I have been taking Vitex for 5 months. The bleeding is light ranging from red to more often brown colour, with cramps…I am 46 years old and believe I am experiencing perimenopause. I have tried TCM, hormonal yoga and now Vitex was recommended for me. Any recommendations? I have been taking Vitex eveyday, without the 5 day break recommended by you. I visited a gynekologist, she found nothing wrong there….

Hi Lara, can you take Vitex while you have a Mirena in place? I was thinking not, but would like your opinion. Thank you, Clarissa. I took Vitex for about six months and felt much better physically, but stopped because I read it should not be taken long term. I was recently prescribed the lowest dosage of Prozac to take from ovulation until the start of my period. Do you recommend taking both? I wanted to try it for my teen daughter She hated feeling this way.

Can I give it to her? Ive been taking Vitex, non stop for about 4 years. At first my cycle was very regular, PMS reduced and no breast pain. Now my cycle ia no longer regular, I have terrible PMS, almost depressive and my breasts swell and are painful a week before my period.

Could the long term use be causing this?? I have been taking chaste tree for several months now. For me, it prolongs my period from 21 days to 31 days. It was just dark spotting.

I stopped taking chaste tree a week after and now I am experiencing a period in the middle of my cycle. I am not sure what to do. Do you recommend chaste tree vitex for endometriosis? If so, do you recommend stopping for a period of time and possibly restarting to help control endometriosis? Thank you, Lara! See my blog post Immune treatment for endometriosis. FYI — I have endo.

I also find zero sugar diet or at least zero refined sugar makes a dramatic improvement with my endo. First day of my period the pain was so bad during BM that my HR would reach scary levels and even just sitting on a hard chair brought me to tears. It was bad…. Now I am almost always okay…just FYI of what worked for me.

I have my period twice a year approximately.. I started to have facial hair at I tried all te complements you recommend in your book but nothing worked so far. Do you think vitex can help me? I am on anticoagulants too so not sure if that would interact with Vitex? I have a 1cm fibroid slowly growing in the wall of my uterus. Periods are increasingly painful after years of painless periods. Some small uterine polyps have grown in the past too, and I had a polypectomy.

I guess that means her pituitary-ovarian communication is still developing but should I be worried. I got my periods at I hear that Vitex can increase estrogen. Is it problematic to take if you have a history surgical diagnosis of endometriosis? Hi Lara, I took Vitex to help lengthen my short luteal phase 9 days and it helped increase it to 11 day so I was able to conceive my first child. I am still breastfeeding and we would like to try for a second baby.

Would you have any advice on what I could do to naturally support my cycle that is safe while breastfeeding? Many thanks for all you do. Now I have trouble sleeping, tender and painful breast, cramps and lengthy periods with the IUD. Do you feel like chaste berry would be a good addition for me? Hi, I have high prolactin and irregular periods long cycles and acne. If I were to stop, could I start taking vitex right after?

Short answer, yes, but also look at the treatment I describe in How to prevent and treat post-pill acne. When do you recommend weaning off of Vitex after confirmed pregnancy?

I have heard immediately and after 14 weeks. When do you recommend to start weaning off of Vitex in pregnancy? I have heard immediately and 14 weeks once the placenta has taken over. I love Vitex, it helped me regulate my cycle at age 38 — at least enough to get pregnant after almost 20 years of assumed infertility.

I also have an integrative doctor. I tried Vitex for a short time, but I started missing my oral progesterone, which I had gone off when I started the Vitex. My cycles have been irregular and gettting moreso. Could I take half the pill in A. I do have some small clots with a Paraguard copper IUD.

Are you doing any consultations? Thanks for all the information on vitex. I will like to know more about bringing my menses after sizing for 2 months plus now. I read your articles, bought and read both editions of your books. Because I have chronic hyperprolactinemia and this causes severe hair loss I took Vitex.

I always took only 7 to 10 days, approximately mg, and it was enough to lower my prolactin and stop hair loss for about 6 months. Again the hair loss came back and took vitex for another 7 to 10 days and stopped.

Hair loss was my signal that prolactin had gone up. Please, I would like to know if I can take Vitex forever as a way to control my hyperprolactinemia? One day it will stop working entirely?

Is there another way to control chronic hyperprolactinemia? Which dose do you prescribe? Also what if you have both high prolactin and high LH? Only testosterone and insulin HOMA index are too high. Is Vitex a good idea in this situation, of course only in addition to a low-sugar diet? Dear Lara Briden, thank you for your excellent book!! I have some pquestions, with adrenal and inflammatory pcos- Dheas aways high, sometimes Testosteron- can i try Vitex?

LH is normal. But i think there ist cronic Stress in my Life.. Or is it because of my genes and disfunctional hpa-acis..? Thank you for this article. You explained so much. I really really wish I had have stumbled across this information years ago. I am in premature menopause and on bodyidentical Hrt. I would really like to have an another child and like to use Vitex to help me to ovulate.

Is it okay to do so? Will l start after the end of my withdraw bleed and use it till my next period start which is around 28 days. Is it ok to use ut this long especially alongside the mg progesterone l use for 14 days? How can you use vitex for polyps? Have you heard of it actually working uterine polyp?

I am ttc and wanting to avoid surgery. I had my first capsule yesterday morning around 7am on day 22 of my cycle. I noticed some light darkish spotting around 7pm. Can vitex cause spotting? I just took vitex in liquid form yesterday And I fully got my period then on day 14 which is very abnormal for me. I always get it on day I think the liquid herb is really strong compared to pill form and I do think it made me bleed.

FYI — I want to take Vitex for pms symptoms such as headaches and mood swings. I have adeno and endometriosis and pcos. Hi Lara, Would Vitex help with insomnia specific to the follicular phase?

Thanks, Claire. Hi Lara, I get insomnia and poor quality sleep in the first half of my menstrual cycle rather than premenstrual , and sleep much better and deeper after ovulation. Because of the pattern of sleeping better after ovulation I assume due to the progesterone , my naturopath has just given me Vitex Premular and asked me to take it from day one until ovulation to promote sleep in the follicular phase.

Though I do get environmental allergies dust, pollens maybe and tend to be affected more by that also in the follicular phase, coinciding with the insomnia and bloating, so get blocked nose, puffy fluid retention in the eyes in the morning. Hi Lara, Thanks for this post. I used to take Vitex regularly until i experienced pesticide exposure which dramatically affected the way I metabolise many things.

She took Carbogoline for about 8 months and then switched to Quinogolide when it caused acne, low mood and weight gain. She is getting her period more than once a month and they are extremely heavy. She wears a tampon and pad and still bleeds through her clothes and bed sheets. Her breasts are often sore and have gone from a size B cup to double GG which she finds very uncomfortable.

Two weeks ago she was lactating milk over a three day period and says she feels tired and unmotivated all the time. Since being diagnosed with prolactinoma two years ago she has continually gained weight despite her best efforts to eat healthy and exercise. She was approximately 68 kilos when diagnosed and just recently was weighed at 93 kilos. As I hope you can imagine, this is very difficult for Abigail to deal with.

She is very frustrated and down. Any advice or suggestions that you can provide to help her overcome these complications would be greatly appreciated. I have a question I started taking vitex over a week ago for irregular menses, first time ever. Doc prescribed provera but hesitant on taking it. I had bleeding from dec 20th to january 7th and back again on January 16th. Would you prescribe this to someone after a miscarriage? To help their cycle get back on track or no?

Hi there Lara, would you reccomend taking this even if you have a non functioning Pituatary microadenoma? I have low oestrogen and low testosterone and no period for nearly 3 years. Failed rounds of clomephine and superovulation. Hi Lara, Is it ok to take Vitex if you have regular ovulation and nothing apparently wrong?

I have had all the tests including a diagnostic laparoscopy, and they have found nothing wrong. We have been trying for three years, I am now Very healthy diet, and BMI, no pcos or endo obviously, tubes are clear, no damage. Naturopath thought I might have high cortisol due to problems with insomnia and stress in the past, but found it was actually low apart from at night, so put my on an adrenal herb liquid, but has also given my a fertility mix which includes Vitex.

I have been taking it for two months and noticed my usual breast swelling not pain in my luteal phase was much less, and ovulation symptoms were stronger, i.

Can Vitex be of benefit for conception when there is nothing specifically wrong? And should I be breaking from the fertility mix during my period? The first round of Clomid worked for me. I have taken 50 mg of Clomid for days of my cycle.

Around day 29 of my clycle I started having period like symptoms and thought my period was about to start. A few days later, when I had NOT started bleeding, I thought it would be best to take a pregnancy test. Lara- I am still struggling to have a normal period and ovulate since I was put on the pill at the young age of It was recommended to take vitex along with the maca, what are your thoughts? I have PCOS irregular cycles and high androgens.

I weigh lbs. My recently had blood tests and my LH was Thoughts on if I am a candidate for taking it? Is it normal for Vitex supplement to smell like expired almond? I just got my first bottle from Amazon and when I stuck my nose in the bottle it reminded me of rancid oil or nuts.

The exp. Hi Lara, how do you feel about vitex for Hypothalamic Amenorrhea if prolactin is low? I only took depo once and wont taking again. It stopped period but gave me spotting. How soon can i start taking vitex? I will be turning 34 soon, and the 12th week wherein there will ve no more depo at injection site will b the 25 July…please advise further. I googled side effects of qlaira and dont think this would apply to me.. I also have a history of pcos and I was on qlaira for 5 years to address this.

Please I would be very greatfil for your input. Lara, thank you for your wealth of information!! I actually do the 25 on and one week off, method it actually has been helping me tremendously!

Dear Lara, regarding high prolactin, do you have any opinions about the treatment with cabergoline? My doctor prescribed me 0,25mg of cabergoline half pill per week for 6 months. I went to your book to check what do you prescribe for high prolactin and found vitex, so I wonder if you know about any cons of cabergoline.

I am currently on a 1mg troche of testosterone per day. Can I use Vitex while taking the testosterone? I took agnucaston just a month bass on irregular menstration. I got some relief from it during meno and had more recently tried taking just a small pinch of dried whole berries daily less has always seemed like more with this herb. Is it still nourishing to the pituitary gland? Is It vitex combinable with Mirena iud?

I have endometriosis and adeno and I have a pelvic cronic pain diary, so my gino recommends It for me. Please see my post Endometriosis?

Treat the immune system. I am wondering if Vitex would be a good addition to my regimen to naturally increase progesterone? If so, how would I take it in combination with the DIM?

I did my research on natural remedies for my period that are kidney friendly and I stumbled upon Vitex. I asked my dr about it and she told me to give it a try.

Is there any other advice you could give me. I started Vitex because I have high prolactin and struggle with insomnia from time to time.

Vitex seemed like the perfect solution — lower prolactin and help with sleep, but my insomnia has gotten much worse. Do you think it could be the Vitex, or would it be unrelated? I am a bit confused about what u said that vitex lowers prolactin, thereby increasing progesterone.

Whereas, I have read in other articles that reducing prolactin increases oestrogen.? Also, I have read conflicting info about Shatavari which I am going to try taking soon.

Its all a bit confusing when trying to increase my oestrogen levels…i am looking for a herb that does so. If u can clarify at all,iwoild be grateful.! I have irregular periods, my average cycle length is 57 days long according to my period tracker. But many months I go without having a cycle, then when it does come it can last anywhere from a few days to literally a few months.

I did not have issues with migraine and nausea before. Is is worth continuing the treatment? Is it one of those treatments that you feel worse before getting better? I am trying to lower my prolactine naturally by using the following herbs, roots and vitamins and minerals:. I am taking them all in liquid tincture form for best possible potency. In addition, I am taking vitex in tablet form in addition to the vitex liquid.

I was wondering if that is ok. Dear Lara, I have high levels of prolaction around range , have regular periods of around days. I am 37 and planning for a pregrancy this summer. My latest 2nd day LH was Which would defeat the purpose of Vitex. I started vitex for regulating my periods.

I am now pregnant. Should I stop taking vitex immediately or wean it off slowly? Or is it ok to keep taking it though out pregnancy? I am scared if i stop it abruptly I might have a miscarriage Please help. I did the same and weaned off slowly. Go down to 1 pill for a week, then every other day, then every 2 days, then stop. I also got a small dose progesterone pill prescribed by doctor to take through 14 weeks, as I was nervous.

We both have low iron stores and are taking an iron supplement. My 16yr old daughter was born with a completely non-functioning pituitary gland and therefore is supplemented artificially with prescription medication. I think we might need your book. Please I need your help!!! I suffered a brain injury years ago and after my doctor gave me a strong detox supplement called glutathione last year, I experienced massive hemorrhaging and still hemorrhaging to this day.

I took that back in June Enough to fill up my long pads stacked on top of each other. I am anemic so I am close to a blood transfusion with dizziness and heart palps. My condition further deteriorated after a month of high dose birth control back in August First they gave me Prometrium to try but I woke up with the worst hot flash in the world, like I was on fire inside.

I am only alive right now because of traditional acupuncture used to stop the bleed each month. Without it I would bleed for months on end with nonstop.


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