Should i open crates tf2

You have a decent collection in your bp. A waste just to sell them for keys to unbox. Might as well play the sim crate. I know assuredly, that I won't have any time the next two years for trading.

And who knows, how the tf2 economy will be situated after this time? Maybe it will be more stable and stronger then it is allready today, but perhabs it will be broken, wherebuy my stuff would be worthless. Recommended Posts. Posted June 10, Hello everybody, due to the fact, that i start my master's degree at october this year, i have to stop with tf2 trading because of time problems i wanna use the remaining time i will have with playing the actual game.

I never opened a crate in my life, so i have some catching up Due to its i got two questions: Which crates should i open? Best regards haggel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options HarryG Posted June 10, Don't open any crates. A-money Posted June 10, None it is all bad. Chilled Soda Posted June 10, Anyways, goodluck. JayTuut Posted June 10, Bewitched Posted June 10, Crate 30 xD. Hello everybody, thanks for all advices until now!

At first i start with trading all my stuff into pure and then I'll see if it will be worthwhile to create a paypal account especially to sell it the arguement with the liquor was very strong and convincingly :D or if i really just want to have some fun with unboxing and surprises The crate 9 is good, but kinda expensive, isn't it?

Have a nice day folks! Bob the Unsymmetrical Posted June 10, Salvaged crates? Pearly Gates Posted June 10, Hey, 1stgen crates - any from 1 to 25, they got 1stgen unusuals and sometimes ok drops sometimes just unique weapons tho Still - they're worth it, if you unbox, unbox these. Even a small amount will encourage me to continue working on Unboxer.

Thank you! If you choose to donate, your name, Steam profile link and donation amount will appear in the list of donators. In your donation message, please include that the donation is for unboxer. You can choose to stay anonymous. Item donations will be displayed as their value in USD. Brave Browser users can donate using BAT from within the browser. Press Enter during search to select the first crate from the results. Spy update hats in crates added before the TF2 January 25th update.

Supply Munition Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use Unboxer. If you still need help, reach us in our Steam group. Loading This is taking longer than usual. Crimson Cache Case Series More info. Unboxing your loot. This may take a few seconds. Please be patient. This will take a minute or two to process.

Bulk unboxing in progress Bulk unboxing results. Bonus items:. Times unboxed: 1. Unusuals unboxed: 1. Earn rewards. Your XP: 0. Updated: 06 Mar pm. BY: Nathaniel Bock. What are the most valuable crates in TF2?

Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate 50 This is the second best of the Salvaged crate line, and still the second best bang for your key. Supply Crate 40 This is the last salvaged crate on the list, and the value of the items drops off by a lot. Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate 60 This is a really interesting crate, because you can get random strangifiers out of it.

Mann Co. Audition Reel This crate is from back in the love and war update, and only contains taunts. More on this topic: team fortress 2. Nathaniel was born in a small farming town without much to do, and as such decided to leave and embrace bigger and better adventures, usually through a digital medium. Gamer Since: That's a lot of money hopefully it pays off. Log in or register to post comments. More Top Stories. How do I stop getting shot from off screen?


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