Pgp what is armor

By: Justin Stoltzfus Contributor, Reviewer. By: Satish Balakrishnan. Dictionary Dictionary Term of the Day. Natural Language Processing. Techopedia Terms. Connect with us. Sign up. Term of the Day. Click the browse button on the right, and select a PGP key pair configured in the certificate store. Alternatively, you can enter a selector expression with the name of a message attribute that contains the alias. Enter a selector expression with the name of the message attribute that contains the key.

For more details on selectors, see Selecting configuration values at runtime. Select whether to use this filter to sign an outgoing message with a private key. Signing Key location Private Key :. If you selected the Sign option, select the location of the private key from one of the following options:. If you selected to sign but not encrypt the outgoing message, select the signing method from one of the following options:.

Compresses the message and creates a hash of the contents before signing. Because the message is contained within the signature this signature can be used in place of the message. This option can be turned off to produce a binary signature. Clear signing a message leaves the message intact and adds the signature beneath the clear message text.

This provides for optional verification of the message signature and contents. It is not possible to clear sign binary objects. If you selected to encrypt and sign the outgoing message, select the encrypt and sign method from one of the following options:. Encrypts and signs the message in a single pass. This is a more conventional format used when sharing keys in email and other text-oriented mediums. Furthermore, base64 is much more compact than hexadecimal i.

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Learn more. What is the armored option for in GnuPG? Ask Question. Asked 11 months ago. Active 5 months ago. Viewed 2k times. Improve this question. John Smith John Smith 1 1 1 bronze badge. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer.


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