Periodic table what do the numbers represent

Source: pearlsofrawnerdism. Picture caption: a happy cartoon mole placing 6. Picture caption: periodic table coloured according to the phase solid, liquid, gas an element exists in at room temperature. Most elements are solid, coloured red; some gas blue and only two are liquid, bromine and mercury.

Source: periodictable. Picture caption: Graphic showing the increasing density of the elements going down the periodic table and also peaking in the middle of the table going left to right. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.

Email required Address never made public. Name required. Next Post Next postitperiodictable Group 1. Follow Following. The Chemistry of a PhD Join other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website. The next element is directly below the element we started at.

This means they are in the same group. Think back to what we learned about groups: elements in the same group have similar properties. This means these two elements have similar properties. As we can see, the cycle of properties repeats itself with every period. The periods are numbered on the left side of each row.

There are seven periods overall. The two rows on the bottom actually belong in periods 6 and 7. They are typically taken out like this in order to improve the readability of the table. The atomic number is the number of protons an element has. The atomic number increases by one as we move one element to the right.

That is to say, if an element has an atomic number of 25, the element directly on its right will have the atomic number When we reach the end of a period, the next element is the leftmost element of the next period. Each box on the periodic table represents an element. The table shown above gives more information than many tables, but reading it can be difficult. Below is a cropping of the key provided on the table. We are mostly concerned with the atomic number, chemical symbol, atomic mass, and name.

In this example, the atomic number is 26, the chemical symbol is Fe, the atomic mass is These four pieces of information will be used significantly more than the rest, and you should feel comfortable with what they mean and how to read them.

The other information provided on this table is first ionization energy, electronegativity , electron configuration , and oxidation states. First ionization energy is how much energy must be put into a gaseous atom in order to knock off the outermost electron.

It is typically expressed in kilojoules per mole. Electronegativity is how strongly an atom attracts electrons. It is rated on a scale of 0 to 4, and it increases as you proceed up and to the right on the table.

Fluorine is the most electronegative element, and francium is the least. The electron configuration is how the electrons are organized into sub-shells. A more in-depth explanation is beyond the scope of this page, but the electron configuration is strongly linked to the properties of the element. Oxidation states are the ionic states where the atom is stable. Using iron as an example, iron will commonly lose either two or three electrons, but it is stable losing up to six electrons, or gaining up to two electrons.

In this video, you will learn about how the periodic table is organized. You will also see some trends among certain groups like the alkali metals , the halogens , and the noble gases. Throughout the table, we can observe many traits like metallic character , atomic radius size , differences in ionization energy , and changes in electronegativity.

The periodic table is organized based on the amount of electrons a neutral atom of each element has. Use precise geolocation data. Select personalised content. Create a personalised content profile.

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Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph. What the Numbers on the Periodic Table Mean. How to Use a Periodic Table of Elements. Clickable Periodic Table of the Elements. Avogadro's Number Example Chemistry Problem.


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