They can be found in floors That being said, the spawn rate is terrible but it's definitely doable if you have the patience. Once you're done, head back to the soldier and he will give you 20 Eos Rock Scrolls.
Last edited: Sep 18, Devastated , Dec 3, Is matt's favorite pizza topping still an advancement question? Also, the past 2 advances I did all had the same questions: Which of the following monsters can fly?
Can anyone else share their most recent questions? EZFebreezy , Dec 4, I heard that you can max skills beforehand, like Genesis 30? You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email.
Like this: Like Loading Categories: Guide , Skill Book Tags: 4th , 4th job , advancement , book , job , mastery book , mastery guide , masterybook , story , story book , storybook.
Comments 21 Trackbacks 5 Leave a comment Trackback. Replies: 2 Views: Tawn Jul 1, Replies: 3 Views: Can you do the 4th job advancement after lvl ? Replies: 3 Views: 1, BowTied Mar 25, Replies: 9 Views: 5, Ultrakool Apr 15, Alvina The Brilliant Assistant. Joined: Aug 22, Messages: Likes Received: Originally Posted by supalime. Can someone set an alarm and bump this for me in ? This is the lamest thing that I've ever heard. So you simply pay 10mil and get an advance.
At least getting the skills pays for it. Originally Posted by Near. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last Jump to page:.