Where is fingerprint reader hp

If changing the setting makes very little difference and you are still having problems with the logon, you may want to delete the original fingerprint image and re-enroll your fingerprint by swiping it across the scanner at a more consistent speed, angle, and pressure.

Using the fingerprint scanner to protect multiple user accounts The HP SimplePass Fingerprint reader provides easy security protection if multiple people use the same computer. Each person using the computer should have their own user account, and that account can be accessed using a fingerprint reader. For example, the parent in a family could have an account with administrator privileges allowing them to install new programs, while each of the children has a personal user account with limited privileges to use, but not install programs.

Each child's settings and files are protected and are not accessible by their siblings. The parent, as the administrator, has access to all files. By using a fingerprint reader with HP SimplePass, when one of the children is ready to log in, they simply scan their finger and the security protection program identifies them and logs on to the proper account. To set up multiple fingerprint user accounts, follow the steps in Enrolling your fingerprints in SimplePass while logged in with each Windows user account.

Backing up and restoring SimplePass fingerprint configuration in Windows 7 or Vista Many applications and web sites use unique user names and passwords to protect personal identity and data.

Although the fingerprint reader can make this job easier, many people have discovered that after using a fingerprint reader, they forget their passwords. If you are using the fingerprint reader to access several accounts with different user names and passwords, back up your fingerprint reader security data and settings to a removable storage device, such as a USB flash drive, and store it in a secure location, away from the computer.

Installing or updating required software for SimplePass The fingerprint reader drivers and the security applications are designed to work on specific models and operating systems.

All of the device drivers and security applications designed and approved for the original configuration of your notebook are available on the HP Drivers and Downloads support web site.

Follow the steps below to install or update your software. Go to the HP Drivers and Downloads page for your model. Click your operating system under Select operating system.

After clicking the operating system, find and select the Software - Security section. Click Download , and then Save the file to convenient location on your hard drive, such as the desktop on the computer.

Double-click the downloaded file and follow the instructions to install the HP SimplePass Identity Protection software. If you have installed the latest version of the HP SimplePass Identity Protection software for your computer and experience problems, download and install the latest BIOS for your computer model.

Select a location. Europe, Middle East, Africa. Asia Pacific and Oceania. Select a language. Confirm Back. If there is a Biometric entry, then Windows supports the device.

To make sure the Windows device driver for the fingerprint reader is up-to-date; follow the steps in Updating the device driver. Clean the fingerprint reader You should periodically clean the fingerprint reader sensor to remove dirt and oil.

Do not use a paper towel because the paper may scratch the surface of the sensor. Press the sticky side of a piece of adhesive cellophane tape on the sensor and then peel it away to collect the dust and dirt particles.

Update the device driver The fingerprint reader hardware requires a device driver to allow software to control it. For best performance, check HP Software and Driver Downloads for device driver updates for your specific model.

Identify the version of the fingerprint reader device driver currently installed. Open the Device Manager , and then expand the Biometric list of recognized sensor devices. Right-click the device, and then select Properties. Select the Driver tab. The driver version is displayed.

Figure : Sensor driver version. Select the operating system currently on the computer, scroll down, and then expand Drivers - Keyboard, Mouse and Input Devices.

The fingerprint sensor driver is listed. Note the version number and date. If the driver available on the web site is a later version, download and install it.

If the installed driver is the same version, right-click the device driver, and then select Update driver software to refresh the driver. If your device driver is up-to-date, see if your access manager software is compatible with your fingerprint reader. Update the fingerprint reader software The fingerprint reader software usually referred to as the access manager software uses the fingerprint device driver to capture a fingerprint image and then control access to the logon accounts that you set up.

Logon accounts contain user's names and passwords for secure applications and web sites that you register with the access manager.

Once a logon account is registered and you have enrolled a fingerprint in the access manager, you can use your fingerprint to log into those applications and web sites. Depending on the model and the year it was purchased, HP provides a number of access manager applications. Use the table below to determine which access manager software was available at the time the computer was purchased.

Skip to Main Content Area. To begin using the fingerprint scanner, take the following steps: Set up a user account on the computer that includes a login password. Click on Log On. This will open the Logon Wizard. Click Next. On the Introduce Yourself page, enter your Windows account name and password. Click the Finish button if the logon was successful. One of the more interesting pieces of technology that has been released for the laptop computer is the fingerprint reader, which makes logging into a computer so much easier.

If they are, the computer automatically loads up. If not, said person will have to punch a password in. While multiple users can register their fingerprints for their own specific user accounts, the laptop owner must have at least one with a password prepared and memorized. Click Log On to open the logon wizard then hit next to begin the process. Before fingerprints can be registered, type in a password. This is to ensure that the user is the computer owner.

It would not be good if someone besides the owner put their fingerprints on the computer. Hit Next then Finish to close the wizard. Hit next and it will go to registration page.


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