What is the difference between moaning and complaining

A lot. Why people start whining, complaining, bitching and moaning When I noticed that I myself was doing a lot of whining, complaining, bitching and moaning, I did what has now become a courageous habitual response to uncomfortable things: I practiced the courage to get curious about what I was doing, rather than berate myself via the inner critic for not being better, in the first place.

What was happening? What were my default responses? What fears arose? You might find that this resonates for you, too : I was doing those things because I was tired. Hiding negative feelings and not talking about them leads to…the overload of feelings.

And at some point, mostly everyone with an abundance of mucky stuff built up is going to start feeling like they desperately need at outlet, at which point they…start whining, complaining, bitching, and moaning.

Chronic complaining induces negativity, rewires the brain and activates the stress hormone cortisol. The immune system gets weakened and blood pressure rises, increasing the risk for obesity, heart disease and other ailments. Although we might feel that venting releases pent-up pressure, it actually fuels negativity rather than ameliorates it.

Going on about something or someone ignites negative feelings as you relive the scene. And ranting online will not make you feel better. Instead of blowing off steam, it fuels the fire. People often complain to gain support, but if it is repetitive and intense, it wears down the patience of others. Frequent whining becomes habitual and increases the likelihood of feeling negative about other aspects of life.

Research has found that complaining triggers anxiety and depression as individuals get stuck in negative emotions. Venting anger is. It is not a pleasant experience for everyone in your line of fire and it is not socially appropriate. Another downside to excessive moaning is that it leads to inaction. It can be astonishing how many hours a person can clock up moaning about a boss, another person, a situation and so forth.

And the same stories get repeated over and over with no real changes made. In the workplace, like the spreading of a yawn, there is an emotional contagion effect. The target often gets demonised. Negative cliques develop based on unhealthy interactions.

A negative culture, office layout, a lack of structure, unclear roles and too much idle time all can foster moaning on the job. While constructive complaining at work is healthy, constant whining casts a dark cloud over an organisational culture. It exaggerates challenges, is emotionally draining and impacts negatively on morale, creativity and productivity.

Over time, it leads workers to hate their jobs. Self-awareness is the first step. Monitor yourself for three days and mentally count how many times you whinge. Be aware when you are moaning. Ask yourself — is it reality based and how much does it really matter? Identify the moany themes and triggers. Rather than dumping all your moans on others, write them down. While "They're moaning about their hours. To moan has the literal definition of to make sounds of anguish, but I don't think if you said, "Sam's always moaning about the work schedule," people would think that he was literally groaning.

Synonyms include complain, grouse, and groan. There are a few more common profane ones, but I'll leave those. You moan during sex haha and you complain if it's bad.

For example, what are you moaning about? We are filthy rich. That said, in both the UK and Australia, I generally worked with nice people, and while there was an odd dollop of fun, the work was painfully dull. Inevitably, though, some people took it upon themselves to have a big old fat whinge as soon as the aforementioned email hit their inboxes.

Oh no! What a catastrophe! For example, if you go for a meal at a restaurant and it was rubbish, you complain to the waiter, who escalates to the manager, who then has the delightful task of providing that feedback to the head chef and, hopefully, remediation of the poor quality is applied to the finished product or products.

That, or you may get extra phlegm with your burger. Believe it or not, this process is not moaning if done in a constructive, courteous and polite way.


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