What is the difference between cocker and autococker

JT Markers. Tippmann Markers. Carmatech Markers. Eclipse Markers. Empire Markers. Valken Markers. Milsig Markers. Spyder Markers. Field One Markers. Umarex Markers. Starter Markers. MilSim Markers. Paintball Pistols. Paintball Sniper Rifles. Mag-Fed Paintball Guns. Paintball Marker Packages Beginner Packages. Intermediate Packages. BT Marker Packages. Valken Marker Packages.

JT Marker Packages. Eclipse Marker Packages. Magfed Marker Packages. Spyder Marker Packages. Tippmann Marker Packages. Milsig Spares. Gog Spares. Dye Spares.

Tippmann Spares. First Strike Spares. Repair Kits. Trigger Upgrades. Eclipse Barrels. Freak Barrels and Freak Inserts. Spyder Marker Upgrades. BT Marker Upgrades. Eclipse Marker Upgrades. Milsig Marker Accessories. Join Date Mar Posts I personaly love autocockers, but I love mags as well. If you don't know what you are doing with a cocker though, it is not for you. They are two completely different guns, the way they work are just I'm all about simplicity, which is one reason I am leaning towards the automag.

The second reason I have been leaning toward the Tac One is that apparenlty with the level 10 bolt, little elves carefully chaimber each paintball. Let me know if these assumptions are correct. PS Thanks for all of the feedback! No chops with a Level 10 almost guarunteed if tuned correctly, now a autococker on the other hand, that is another story.

Join Date Oct Posts Well, if the 'cocker is tuned correctly you can get it to pinch balls instead of chopping - essentially mechanical anti-chop like the lvl Of course it's not as easy as installing a lvl Sometimes in the woods im a purely scenario player you need to able to lay some cover fire down.

Some ppl like the purely mechanical tac one. I love my emags. Our team shop now has 3 other peoples autocockers while we almost never have a broken mag come in. PnueMagger Guest. When I play woodsball, I like to use my cocker because it has a flatter trejectory allowing it to shoot further is some scenarios where there is brush. My mag tends to "lob" balls which is adventageous for indoor play or speedball games where the extra range isn't necessary.

It all comes down closed bolt accuracy. Bud Orr even states they are "the most accurate markers in the world". So if you are buying for strictly woodsball, get a cocker. The timing issue is overrated. In fact, I often tine mine between every other game.

It only takes 5 mins. As far as looks, there are infinate external upgrades to make your gat a contract killa. Go with the mag, but the cocker is going to be cheaper. Originally Posted by PnueMagger. How do you figure PixelGuru? Well automags shoot flatter because they blow forward, autocockers just blow. By testing under controlled circumstances we were able to isolate the subject of our test the bolt operation from the other variables involved. Firing our marker as an open bolt, blowback operated semi-automatic, we found the same level of accuracy, as when firing as a manually operated closed bolt marker.

Our conclusion - the great "inherent accuracy" of closed bolt markers over open bolt markers is a myth. The "seal forward" in a shocker is just like any other open bolt gun. The "great accuracy" of closed bolt guns would come from the ball being perfectly still in the breach when the air is released. So if the ball is moving its gonna change its tragectory when pressure is applied Cockers are said to be more accurate because of my previous statement that Cockers are a semi auto pump.

They based this philosophy on the wrong fact of why pump guns are more accurate. Drop a ball in a funnel which way is it gonna go at the end? I started off with a mag in woodsball and use it for everything One major thing you can say that a mag has over a cocker is that someone with little or no airsmithing experiencing can strip down a mag and replace all the oring and reassemble the mag in less than a half hour and this will fix 90 percent of the problems a mag will have Just get the Tac One!

It is better all around than any mech autococker. More durable, more reliable, faster, and better looking. On the other hand, get the autococker if you plan on using CO2. Dec 19, 3, 0 0 Somewhere, Over the rainbow www. Originally posted by NaFey C Fire This is from 3 players from Codsall Fire it has been troubling us for a while , what is the difference between a normal a mech cocker , an Auto cocker and an electro cocker.

Parksy Platinum Member. Oct 27, 2, 20 73 44 Newcastle, UK. The names are pretty much self explanatory. A mechanical cocker, is erm Hope that helps. Sep 14, 1, 0 61 Earth. May 16, 2, 0 61 isle of man Visit site. Tar Tar for ya help. Nov 20, 42 0 0 Codsall Wolves Visit site. Cheers Thanx Dudes.


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