They may feel a throbbing in their throat throat chakra and receiving a direct knowing of this feeling, such as this person is sick with a cough, healed from cancer or more symbolically is needing to express more in life.
Along with their heightened sensory awareness and ability to absorb the emotional energy of those around them, clairsentients also gain great knowing symbolic, factual or physical from extrasensory perception that they can then use to guide someone. Using our scenario above regarding the two people in the room involved in the heated argument, the Clairsentient would enter the room hours later and not only tune into the energy of the room but they would also be able to perceive clear and specific knowing regarding details about the two in the argument such as a sense about why they were arguing about.
They may also feel in their body the sensations one or the other was feeling during the tense interaction — such as heart racing, sweaty palms or grief.
There you have it! There are many similarities between these three terms however there is a stark difference between each that accounts for the main difference. Remember, you might be one, all three or a combination of each.
Never realized it before but by reading your blog, I just might be clairsentient. I can relate to the abilities or traits I experience which brings me to the conclusion to be clairsentient. Thank you Michelle for sharing this article! You might enjoy this as well Jay! Years later until my mom brought it up is when I felt like hey, maybe I do have a gift here! Continue to develop your gifts and this will just get stronger and stronger. Warmly, Medium Michelle. I just need to figure out how to control my emotions when they flow in from others.
Thank you so much for your descriptions. I do have to be very emotionally close to you for this to happen. Although, I have seen spirits, and can feel them as well. As young as age 5. But unfortunately, I cannot get a more defined sense of who they are or what they want. I also have premonitions but only in my dreams. That started at age 16, dreamt my grandfathers death before it happened. Funerals are especially hard….
Proven by a phone call or text from a loved one or in person someone becomes distressed. Let us look at an example using a hotel room. However, if the couple has a heated argument and then leaves the hotel room before an empath arrives, the empath would feel the emotional residual energy from the argument without any obvious physical evidence that it took place. In most cases, empaths are highly sensitive as well.
However, not all highly sensitive people have empathic abilities. Empath and clairsentient are often used as interchangeable terms. In many instances, the use of either is considered appropriate, however there are slight differences in what each word represents. Clairsentients, just like empaths, have the ability to sense the emotional energy around them and take it on as their own. They have a sixth sense which allows them to know things beyond the physical understanding. Similar to clairvoyance in which one receives knowing through visions or clairaudience which gives one extrasensory information through sounds or voices, clairsentience offers a knowing or understanding through a feeling or sensation.
Unlike empaths who feel emotions and energies of others, clairsentients find themselves having physical sensations which give them information about people, plants, or objects around them. Things like tingling in the fingers when they are near someone whose energy calls for physical healing or throbbing in their throat throat chakra when near someone with a message they long to spread. Clairsentients are almost always highly sensitive people as well as empaths.
Along with their heightened sensory awareness and ability to absorb the emotional energy of those around them, clairsentients also gain great knowing from extrasensory perception. It is easy to see the many similarities between these three terms.
Or can you detect cold and hot spots in the same room? Temperature variation is one of the forms of this energy. Think of a cool breeze or a warm and strong wind in a room while all the windows and doors are closed.
Clairsentience is sometimes mistaken for mental health problems. It is, of course, important to seek professional advice if you suspect you may have a mental health issue. Meanwhile, you might want to consider that what you think is in your head, is actually sensitivity to what is happening around you. If you can harness clairsentience, you can make it the gift it truly is.
Be aware that every clairsentient will experience this gift in a different way and no one will feel what you are feeling. Nonetheless, there are many people who have similar experiences, so it might be a good idea to seek out other clairsentients either locally or in online forums.
You can develop and improve your clairsentience skills by accessing your divine guidance and by practicing a lot. Here are some exercises that I use to develop my clairsentient skills. As I described before, clairsentient people are super sensitive to their environment. So first, bring more positivity into your life and change your apartment into a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable. Want to know how? Here you will find nine ways to update your living space and that will help you usher out old, bad vibes and invite positive energy in.
One of my favorite exercises to strengthen my clairsentience is to read another person. I use this 4-step approach:. Another piece of advice to increase your clairsentient skills is to practice psychometry. This means reading the energy of an object. To practice psychometry, you have to hold objects that you know nothing about and tune into the feelings you get about them.
Think of something in an antique store, a wedding ring, or family jewelry. Close your eyes and if possible slowly run the object across the skin of your hands, your arms, and the inside of your wrist. Then tell the owner of the object what information and feelings you are receiving. Ask them how correct you are. In the beginning, you might get wrong answers too, but once again, practice and this will improve greatly. Tip: jewelry works great because the more an item is worn by the owner, the more energy it contains.
Besides, metal can hold energy forever! This Chakra can be seen as a kind of bridge between thought, emotions, and spirituality, and is connected to all of the following:. In this way, the most compassionate thing you can do is send them love, and learn to let them sort out their own energetic issues. Another quick way to manage your over-active empathy is to bring crystals into your life. They can offer protection throughout your day so that you do not take on as many external emotions.
In my experience, the best crystals to help protect you from outside energy are:. A runner up would be Black Obsidian, however, this stone helps you sort through the emotions you have absorbed which can also kick up a lot of difficult emotions when you are not ready. The difference between these two comes down to boundaries, awareness, control and energetic management.
As an empath, you can have all of these things without becoming a psychic. Rose is the owner and founder of Crystal Clear Intuition and the author of the blog. She is a trained Intuitive Coach and does intuitive readings, coaching and healings. She is passionate about meditation and is a meditation teacher and mentor. Bees are complex creatures of the natural world that communicate a wide range of messages in the form of spiritual symbolism or literary metaphors.
Close observation of the bee can give us a lot of Bees are one of my favorite creatures in the insect realm.