What is fittingness in qualitative research

Triangulation tries to address the problem using both quantitative and qualitative or multiple qualitative methods in one study. The authors analyze and then synthesize findings using the different methods to come up with a model addressing the research problem. There is some debate concerning the utility of combining methods for nursing science.

I believe these approaches offer the diversity needed to address the human condition and perhaps may become a substantially important way to address nursing science problems in a more holistic manner. Issues in Qualitative Research Ethics Qualitative Research has several unique concerns in the protection of human subjects. The basic principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice still hold true just like in quantitative studies; however, the methodologies of qualitative may require an expanded view of how we protect subjects.

Recognize uses of qualitative research for nursing. Identify the processes of phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, and historical methods. Recognize nursing phenomena that lend themselves to use of case study methodology. Identify research methodology emerging from nursing theory. Discuss significant issues that arise in conducting qualitative research. Apply the critiquing criteria to evaluate a report of qualitative research. Humans are complex beings.

Focusing on human experience in naturalistic settings. Truth is the subjective expression perceived by participant, shared with researcher. Uses an extensive approach to collect data. Questionnaires and measurement devices to be administered in one setting by unbiased individual to control extraneous variables. Larger number of subjects. Selects participants who are experiencing the phenomenon of interest and collects data until saturation.

Conducts interviews and participant or nonparticipant observation in environments. Smaller number of subjects. Reliability and validity of instruments and internal and external validity permit judgment of scientific rigor. Deductive analysis is used, generating a numerical summary that allows the researcher to reject or accept the null hypothesis. Researcher is responsible to recognize personal biases and set aside.

Explores all dimensions of human uniqueness. Creditability, auditability, fittingness, and conformability permit judgment of scientific rigor. Inductive analysis is used, leading to a narrative summary, which synthesizes participant information, creating a descriptive of human experience. Beck, What is the relationship between the incidence of maternity blues during the first week after birth and postpartum depression in primiparas at 1, 6, and 12 weeks postpartum?

What are the differences in the incidence and severity of maternity blues and post partum depression for women experiencing early hospital discharge and those with customary lengths of hospital discharge and those with customary lengths of hospital stay? Helps to uncover life processes that contributed to the outcome. Helps to increase understanding and provides a basis for intervention that may enhance quality of life.

Phenomenological Method. Phenomenology is as much a way of thinking or perceiving as it is a method of inquiry. Identifying The Phenomenon It's focus is the lived experience, used to study some dimensions of day to day existence for a particular group of individuals.

Structuring The Study To describe structuring Research question: e. The researcher is expected to set aside personal biases researcher. Data Gathering Written or oral data may be collected when using the phenomenological method. Data Analysis Thorough reading and sensitive presence with the entire transcription of the participant's description.

Identification of shifts in participant thought. Specification of the significant phrases. Distillation of each significant phrase, with a focus on the studied the phenomenon being. Final synthesis of all participants' descriptions. Describing The Findings The researcher provides the reader with a path of information leading from the research question, through samples of participant's significant phrases, researcher's interpretation, and leading to the final synthesis that elaborates the lived experience.

Grounded Theory Method. The goal of grounded theory investigations is discovery of theoretically complete explanations about particular phenomena It holds that the relationship between self and theory is an ongoing process of symbolic communication, whereby individuals create a social reality.

Glaser and Strauss, Identifying The Phenomenon Researchers uses the grounded method when they are interested in social processes from the perspective of human interactions. View 1 excerpt, cites background. Levels and applications of qualitative research evidence. The good, the bad and the relative, Part one: Conceptions of goodness in qualitative research.

Reconceptualizing rigour: the case for reflexivity. View 2 excerpts, cites methods. Legitimizing basic research by evaluating quality. Audit or research--what is the difference? The problem of rigor in qualitative research. Standards for Qualitative Research. Problems of Reliability and Validity in Ethnographic Research.

Although problems of reliability and validity have been explored thoroughly by experimenters and other quantitative researchers, their treatment by ethnographers has been sporadic and haphazard. This … Expand. Is qualitative research an end in itself or the beginning of a process? Morse on bracketing the phenomenological perspective,Joan M.


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