See T-Mobile. Capable device required for 5G. Some uses may require certain plan or feature; see T-Mobile. Most Reliable: 5G mobile network results in the US are based on an audit report conducted by independent third-party umlaut containing crowdsourced data for user experience collected from September until February Full details can be found on: www. Based in Bellevue, Wash. Ensure you have the latest version of iTunes and your computer has access to the internet before starting these steps.
New to T-Mobile? Use these steps to complete the first use configuration and device activation for your iPhone. Activation process Before the iPhone can be used, it must first be activated and configured to work on the T-Mobile network. The device activation is a two step process: Device unbricking: Allows access to the phone menus Carrier update : Enables key network features and auto configures network settings.
Trading-in before 24 months resets trade-in value and time to redeem. Some uses may require certain plan or feature; see T-Mobile. Most Reliable: According to an audit report conducted by independent third party umlaut containing crowdsourced data for user experience collected from January to July Full details at: www. T-Mobile U. Based in Bellevue, Wash. And you can repeat that forever.
No more scavenger hunts. No more nagging feeling. Pick up an iPhone 12 or 13 model now and you can still get Forever Upgrade. Looking for more? If a device has been lost or stolen, the IMEI can also be used to block it from being used on most carrier networks, including T-Mobile's.
The SIM card is a tiny plastic card with an integrated chip. When you insert it into your device, the SIM card identifies the device to the network. Using the IMEI is the fastest and most accurate way for us to determine compatibility with T-Mobile's network and check whether a device is locked or unlocked.
Many phones appear to work the same way across different carriers, but they can have significant internal differences with their technology and software. In some cases, the phone may have a finance agreement that needs to be paid off before the carrier will unlock it.
It may also take a few days to unlock the device. Most phone numbers can be transferred to T-Mobile , but check the transfer eligibility of your existing number before switching to T-Mobile.
To get started, you'll need the following information:. We recommend backing up your contacts, voicemail, and text messages before transferring your number to T-Mobile.
During the process, you may have dual service for up to 24 hours, meaning your device will be active on both carrier networks. Please do not cancel your previous wireless service until you receive a confirmation text message from T-Mobile saying that the number transfer is complete.
The SIM card actually includes adaptors for three different card sizes. See video instructions on how to replace your SIM. Love your phone? Make sure your phone is unlocked. Make sure your phone is compatible. Check compatibility. Buy a SIM card. Check out our plans. Back up my phone.