It all boils down to trusting them and yourself enough to be able to help each other grow. Never tried playing volleyball?
Give it a go! The content here was submitted to us via email, and published with minor edits by Edukasyon. Want your work published here too? Send your essays directly to support edukasyon. No need to cram! This is the fun kind.
Learn and earn rewards along the way! Planning for college? Let us help you achieve your dream job by matching you with the right schools. Here are some volleyball life lessons that can help guide us in our everyday lives: 1.
What do they say? Teamwork makes the dream work. Everybody has a role. Wit can outdo brute force! Communication is the golden key. Trust goes a long way.
Share this article. Like this post. Written By:. College Life. Back to Blog. Those that give up and settle are the ones that are less fun. Win or lose, games are a lot of fun when everyone is working and going for the ball. I've worked on a lot of teams across various activities, but I think I learned the most about "comebacks" from volleyball teams. The difference between giving up and fighting through adversity is very noticeable in volleyball. I've seen this from the lens of a team captain and as a player, too.
Being the captain of a volleyball team teaches you about moments like these and how to rally the team, even if you're worried or scared. I learned a lot about putting my team's success before my own fear from being a volleyball captain.
No one likes playing with someone who thinks they're perfect. This is true in real life, too! Playing a team sport teaches you how to work with other people. When you make a mistake on the court, you've got to own up and say something like "I'll get it next time" instead of blaming the ball, the court, the lights, or whatever else.
This carries over to situations off the court, too! If something I do doesn't go perfectly at work, it's not helpful for me to look for someone to blame or to blame the technology or my coworkers. Instead, I feel like I've gained more respect from my coworkers and teammates by being willing to acknowledge when something isn't perfect and offering a solution to make things better.
All in all, volleyball is an amazing sport. I highly recommend trying it out if you haven't! You'll learn a lot from it as a team sport, and it's a lot of fun. I've played on a number of volleyball teams in different settings such as club, high school team, college intramural teams, sand tournaments, and recreational teams as an adult.
Across these different leagues, I've played on co-ed and women's teams as well as on teams where I knew every person and trained with them, to free agents that met on the day of the first game. Every team has been different and I've learned something new with every team I've played on. Though I'm still young and have many more games to play, I have learned a lot of great lessons from volleyball so far and can't wait to learn more!
This question originally appeared on Quora - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. More questions:. Going through college and being part of athletics really opens your mind.
You meet a lot of new and unique people that give you another perspective on life. Opening your mind to new people and new experiences is what helps you learn and takes you places. Nothing is more eye-opening than meeting new people and getting to learn their story. There will be tough times throughout college and it may seem impossible to get through without your parents around, but it only helps you get better and grow. You learn to lean on who you have, get help from the right people and find your way out of it.
Managing everything that college throws at you can be overwhelming, but each day something gets done and things start to get easier. College and sports introduce you to a lot of adventure that you never would have expected coming in. There is a lot more out there than what you are introduced to growing up, and going to college allows you too see more, do more and find people you will connect with forever. Time management a. How to work with a team a.
Doing things for something bigger than yourself a. Independence a.