What does sadness do in ff7

Sadness Halves all damage intake, but Limit Gauge will fill up slower. Cast Heal, use a Soft, use a Remedy. Confusion The character is confused and may attack your party and sometimes the enemy. Cast Heal, use a Remedy, or physically attack that character. Silence The character cannot cast any magic, enemy skills or use any summons.

Cast Heal, Echo Screen, use a Remedy. Paralyze The character is paralyzed, thus cannot be controlled. Cast Heal, use a Remedy. Users questions. Is midgar Zolom in FF7 remake? How do you run away in FF7? What does sadness do in FF7? Can you cross the marsh without a chocobo? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

User Info: BlueVelvetCrow. User Info: Eevee-Trainer. Eevee-Trainer posted Not Gamefaqs threads. User Info: shadow Don't know what threads you've been reading, it's common knowledge.

The usual misinformation is that Fury increases the damage received, a mistake that was in the instruction manual. Nothing to see here. Idk, either. The ones that come up when you google the topic. This googling took place about months ago. User Info: LightnessZero. It is as Eevee-Trainer said. However, their attacks are more erratic, and miss more often.

They tend to take less damage from attacks, but they find it difficult to get angry at anything. Hence, the growth of their Limit Bar is severely reduced.


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