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View Profile Block User. Is it a reliable source of certification? Answer: Unfortunately, HFA is an organisation that is out of sync with the Muslim Community in England. Along with its dubious and obscure scholarly backing, it chooses to take a stance against the highly qualified scholars of the community, and wishes to promote a view about Islamic Slaughter that is rejected by the vast majority of them.
They may make light of this, but since they are supposed to be representing the interests of the Muslims of this Land to ignore this point seems disingenuous. Whereas the scholars are adamant that an individual slaughter-man must be directly holding the knife when slaughtering, according to this organisation it is enough to have a fixed blade, across which the chickens pass and have their throats slit.
The slaughterman is required to say the traditional proclamation of faith in one god as the animal is killed. At present two separate organisations regulate the halal food industry in the UK. It argues that advances in technology mean methods have to change and though a machine does the killing, the meat is still blessed by a Muslim slaughterman.
But the Halal Monitoring Committee HMC says animals should be slaughtered by hand and using a machine is not halal and not permissible. It argues mechanisation contradicts a fundamental principle of halal - that the person who slaughters the animal is the same person who recites the words over it. The debate has prompted calls for a single body to regulate the halal food industry which has a clear set of guidelines on animal slaughter.
He neither approves nor disapproves of either certification process and therefore does not endorse or reject KFC's methods. Most Popular Now 56, people are reading stories on the site right now. BBC News. News Front Page.
The Halal Monitoring Committee HMC was set up in in Leicester, with the aim of carrying out inspections in abattoirs and meat wholesalers and to monitor butchers. Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. In reference to food , it is the dietary standard, as prescribed in the Koran. By official definition , Halal foods are those that are: 1.
Free from any component that Muslims are prohibited from consuming according to Islamic law. Stunning of livestock. Supermarkets selling halal products say they stun all animals before they are slaughtered.
Both were in east Dearborn, Mich. But after a contentious lawsuit that accused the restaurant chain of selling non- halal items advertised as halal , McDonald's has yanked its Halal Chicken McNuggets and Halal McChicken sandwiches off the menu.
Since Christianity lost most of its roots from Judaism, Christians are not bound to some restrictions of Mosaic Law. However, Seventh-day Adventists consider pork taboo, along with other foods forbidden by Jewish law.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church does not permit pork consumption. In Islam, consumption of any intoxicants khamr, specifically, alcoholic beverages is generally forbidden in the Qur'an through several separate verses revealed at different times over a period of years.
At first, it was forbidden for Muslims to attend prayers while intoxicated. Many Hindus , particularly Brahmins, are vegetarian and strictly abstaining from eating meat. Many of those who do eat meat abstain from the consumption of beef, especially in the north and west India, as the cow holds a sacred place in Hinduism. Here in South Africa, we have a strong and large Muslim community, and about 3 or 4 Halaal bodies. Yet we have so much infighting and issues over halaal certification.
Then there are stories about how lax some of the inspectors actually are…and just issues upon issues. It really is safer to just be a farmer, or go directly to the farms for your meat e.
Qurbani farms — unless you have a reputable Muslim butcher you can trust. Buying mean from chainstores is suspect — with all this cross-contamination stuff in the news these days. May Allah protect us all from consuming that which is unlawful — whether we know it or not. Assalam Alaikum. JazakAllah gor this. Would you enlighten that what is hukam for halal meat in arab developef countries as like Oman etc.
I have been told by one musim worker who was woring in Salalah. In chicken form. All chicken were slaughtered by machine. And having said tasmiyah and takbeer by tape recorder. They said many hundreds of thousands chicken are slaughterd every day. And it would be very difficult. I need your please with quoting some references from Quran and hadith. Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
If you visit the HMC website, you will find some evidences that stunning animals for slaughter is makruh. Even HFA admits that it is makruh. Also it sounds as though tasmiyah and takbeer by tape recorder is not allowed. Re the above statement, is this proven to be the case that the animal will not feel any pain? Pls clarify. Asalaam alaikum. The slaughtering of animals by cutting the jugular vein is what has been prescribed in Islam by Allah and His Messenger pbuh.
What Allah Commands, we should obey. Unless we reach unity and consensus in all the major issues, we will continue to be in a mess in all aspects of life. Differing of opinions are said to be a blessing for the Ummah I dont know if this authentic or not causes disunity and fighting as we can see nowadays in most Muslim countries and are in chaos.
Pls correct me if I have said anything wrong. A major contributing factor to the general meat crisis is societies massive increase in meat consumption over the past couple of decades. Muslims are no exception to this and one must question whether we ever consumed meat in such quantities in history?
The simple truth is that these problems are partly of our own making. Huge demand has lead to all sorts of sharp practices in declaring meat Halal. Even if we can satisfy ourselves at a technical level the method of slaughter is legitimate, have we in the process lost the essence of Halal? How many of us have witnessed let alone participated in the slaughtering of an animal? Is the treatment of animals before being slaughtered taken into consideration, as we know it should be?
That it is a sacrifice and blessing from Allah that we permitted to eat other animals is lost on most. The rules set down by Allah cover us throughout time and Allah Knows Best what is in our future and the generations to come. His Commandments covers all times and situations.
Many problems are, as you say, of our own making. However, witnessing slaughter is not a requirement to eat halaal food not to understand the essence of halaal in terms of food. Those who are responsible for the treatment of animals, are accountable for their actions, however that is not the purpose of this blog. Asalaamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh could you please let e know whether there are any other authorities like HMC in the UK? Such as Tariq Halal Meats? Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullahi.
Could anyone please tell me who does the Halal cirtification for freemans newent? Please could you also provide proof or a link to your answer,. Wa alaikum salaam. What I can say though is that Freemans is not a Muslim organisation and I personally would prefer to have halaal food supplied by Muslims. There is some controversy over Freemans, who provide the meat for companies like Nandos. I, personally, prefer to stay away from this controversy.