Flooding and severe weather due to climate change has wreaked further damage, as has widespread use of pesticides by farmers in hornbill habitat. Many birds are deliberately poisoned because of their reputation for breaking windows when attacking their reflection. Humans also hunt southern ground hornbills for use in rituals and traditional medicine.
During times of civil unrest, birds are killed when they inadvertently step on landmines , often while approaching an insect nest for food. These threats are compounded by the fact that southern ground hornbills are among the species of birds with the lowest reproduction rates. Attempts to recover southern ground hornbill populations include programs for raising and reintroducing captive-bred birds into the wild and creating public awareness campaigns.
National Geographic grantee Yvette Ehlers Smith has also led research projects investigating how to better protect these birds. Research has shown that intervention programs aimed at changing negative beliefs about hornbills are also effective, as is properly covering windows to prevent the birds from seeing their reflections and crashing into the glass.
All rights reserved. Animals Photo Ark. Found throughout the southern part of Africa, southern ground hornbills are vulnerable to extinction as pollution, logging, and agriculture destroy their habitats. Common Name: Southern ground hornbills. Scientific Name: Bucorvus leadbeateri. Type: Birds. Diet: Carnivore. Group Name: Flock. Average Life Span In Captivity: 70 years.
Size: Three feet. Weight: Five to nine pounds. Least Concern Extinct. The zoo's African red-billed hornbills live in the Howard Vollum Aviary. They're fed a small amount of fruits and leafy greens, a formulated fruit-based dry pellet, and a variety of insects including: small and large mealworms, wax worms, crickets and small mice.
Skip to main content. Tockus erythrorhynchus The red-bill lives in open savanna, woodland and thorn scrub in sub-Saharan Africa. Hornbill behavior and facts The red-billed hornbill is one of the smaller hornbills. It has a mainly whitish underbelly and head, a long tail and long, curved red bill. The male and female look similar, but the female has a smaller bill. The long, curved bill is an adaptation for digging.
Red-bills mostly live on the ground and roost in trees near the trunk, or on a large branch. There have been records of hornbills waiting expectantly at mongoose burrows, eager for the foraging to begin.
This species nests in naturally occurring holes in trees or in abandoned woodpecker or barbet nests. Hornbills are a sociable species, generally living in small groups.
They have a very distinctive clucking call. Once one bird starts calling, the whole group will often join in, creating a cacophony of sound. In the bushveld you will often see two hornbills sitting together, clucking away with very entertaining wings open, back and forth rocking, head bowing display. More Sabi Sabi Wild Facts. Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill — part two The Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill Tockus leucomelas is a common, medium sized bird found in all areas of Southern Africa where there is scrub and acacia woodland.
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