There is continual debate around whether the word Internet should continue to be capitalized since it has established itself into everyday life. Since the AP Stylebook announcement in , the trend across style guides has been to lowercase the word internet. While the debate continues, you should always follow the standard title capitalization rules for capitalizing titles regardless of the outcome of the Internet debate. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Capitalize My Title. Home Is Internet Capitalized? Capitalize My Title is a dynamic title capitalization tool used to make sure your titles or headlines use proper capitalization rules according to various style guides include APA, AP, MLA, and Chicago.
You sit down to write an amazing post for your blog. Everything feels right. Your creative juices are flowing. Your mind is forming sentences faster than your fingers can type them. You feel excitement building. And then you hit a snag.
How can you prevent this from happening? The best way is to learn the basic capitalization rules for online writing. Keep these four simple capitalization rules beside you each time you sit down to write. There is only one Web! WIRED actually already uses the lowercase "web," per our in-house style guide. So Internet vs. For the short term, we'll continue to capitalize it. The AP Stylebook exerts a strong influence over journalistic outlets all over the internet, which means there should be a deluge of young journalists finally learning how to style their articles and screeds and philosophical musings the right way on the web.