Should i take imodium before a marathon

Also - unless a minute or 2 is really going to ruin the OP's race i. Post 13 of 26 views. Post 14 of 26 views. Colin- Does it happen only at the races, or does it also happen when you have big training days? White rice plugs you up real good, and its an excellent source of carbs. I have a feeling most over- the- counter mix it yourself drinks are too acidicat the recommended dilutions, and when mixed with whatever the contents of your stomach are can either compound or stabilize.

I came across a site last year that listed some popular foods for athletes and divided it into two categories. Alkalinic and Acidic in pH. Apparently foods like raisins and brown rice and highly acidic This is just my personal case, so pass the salt so to speak , but my last long ride proved to be the most nutritionally sucessful due to a simple dinner the night before of steamed white rice,chicken and veggies.

Those things I eat on non-big days. IIRC you mentioned once that your diet consisted of a lot of dairy. See you at Wellington. Post 15 of 26 views. Warningdon't read this if you're eating right now. CCF- This is something I've been struggling with too and really working on as I had to shit 11 times on the marathon course at LP last year.

This is what has been helping me and what I'm going to do for Mooseman. BTWI've tried pre-race immodium it doesn't work if your gut isn't emptied as much as possible before the startthis is the key I'm finding again all this is work in progress and it's where I'm at now in trying to figure this out.

I wasn't eating enough fiber in my daily diet so I had liquid shit during training runs and sometimes after. I've adjusted that. I take psyllium husk one teaspoon twice a dayworks wonders. No more liquid shitgets everything in your gut to stick together and come out as a nice dump forgive the nastyness here. No fiber the day before the race; finish carbo loading 2 days out and eat lighter day before, I like Boost as well. A little bit of coffee upon waking on race morning to help get things moving in the right direction.

Shit as much as you can on race morning QT2 Systems. Post 16 of 26 views. Considering how fast your finish time was, thats freakin amazing. Dude you would have Kona'd You and Yoda must have been hittin the same p-johns right after the other.

Everything you stated in your protocol is dead on IMHO. Boost rocks race morning! Post 17 of 26 views. See you this weekend. Hopefully we stay dry or at least drier than last year. QT2 Systems. Chris G. Post 18 of 26 views. They seem a lot less harsh than immodium [won't totally bind you up] and seem to calm down my stomach so that I do not have issues later on.

I also carry a few with me in case my stomach starts feeling rough from along the way, maybe it is a placebo but works for me almost instantly. May be an intermediate step between nothing and immodium.

Good luck, nothing worse than GI distress while running. Post 19 of 26 views. I did it a few times, with no problems. It gave me time to determine exactly what the problem was. Way too much liquid protein pre race. Problem solved. Also, very careful pre race meal selection. Post 20 of 26 views. I take it before every race, it didn't work 5 days after I came back from Mexico when I raced, about missed the start and had taken 4 pills. Montezuma got it's revenge Post 21 of 26 views.

Generally I have had good results. I agree with an earlier poster that you need to take this stuff on a relatively empty stomach around an hour before the race works best for me -- after I've done my best to empty the pipes.

I have noticed two potential pitfalls pun intended. First, I think that some of these may work by taking water out of your gut.

I have had to pee during some recent races under circumstances where I think that might have been caused by the meds. Second, some of this stuff does not necessarily last more than 8 hours or so. More hydration esp. Point being, when you regain motility, it can come back with a vengeance.

Virtually every runner has dealt with bathroom issues at one time or another logging some miles or running a race. Paula Radcliffe proved that even world record holders sometimes have to make a pit stop in the middle of a race when she ran to side of the road and defecated on live television during the London Marathon.

There is no shame in taking care of business on the go, but there are ways to decrease the odds of this happening to you on your run. Here's some help gleaned from experience on the road, trails and track to lessen the chance of inconvenient bathroom issues and deal more gracefully with them when they arise. Imodium is a staple in many runners' medicine cabinets.

Imodium works by slowing down gut movement and making stool less watery. While it is important to try to get everything out of your system before a run, Imodium is a good choice right before a long race like a marathon when a mid-race stop would be incredibly inconvenient. Like all pre-race preparations, do not use Imodium for the first time on race morning; try it out once or twice during a training run to see how it affects you. You can find Imodium at your local drug store.

When and how you fuel has a major impact on your bathroom schedule the following morning. The night before an early morning race, your last meal should be fairly early think 5 to 7 p.

Track how your body responds to different foods in your running log. If you are preparing for a long race, use your long training runs as practice to find out what pre-race dinner foods are going to sit well and digest fast for race day. For many runners, this means taking special note as to which foods need to be avoided in meals prior to a race, such as dairy or gluten. You will be overly excited and going way too fast.

Sooner or later you will hit reality with pain in your joints and muscle exhaustion, maybe even hitting the wall in severe glucose depletion. Half way at a Marathon is 30 km. That is when it will get really ugly. But you will not know how ugly it can get before you experienced it running a Marathon. And even then, it can always get uglier. Heartbreak hill in Boston Marathon? The 14 bridges in the last 2 km of Venice Marathon? Pain will be completely redefined during the last 2 miles.

Physically there is one thing that helps to simulate the fatigue. Just do your long run. If you have time, take it up to 36 km. Once you hit the red zone of 30 km plus you need to start with some motivating self talk. Once you arrive at 40 km it is okay to have only little left in your tank.

The thought of the finish line and the cheering crowds will keep you going. Stop thinking and then just put one foot in front of the other. When you are at 42 km it is time to pull yourself together. Run tall and smile for your last m. There are cameras everywhere, family and friends watching.

Fake your smile now, you can cry after the finish line later. The post-marathon beer and burger will be worth it. Do you want to run a Marathon yourself? Check out my blog post on the best Marathon gear, and pacing strategy. Hi Carola, thanks for the insite into running long distance. This will really help when I attempt my first next year… Keep up the great work. No need to be scared! You know everything you need to know.

You will super fit and fast and mentally strong. You can totally do it!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Facebook Twitter Instagram. Five unconventional tips for your first Marathon by aerialspartan Jul 24, Half Marathon , Marathon , Running , Training 4 comments.

Before the Venice Marathon. After the Venice Marathon. Pre-race anxiety before the London Marathon photocredit: the midnight club. Successfully finished London Marathon photocredit: the midnight club. If you feel pain and exhaustion during that run, suck it up. It will get at least twice as bad on race day. But what is much more important is your mental strength. Once you are in the pain cave, you have to suck it up.

You have to push through. You have to finish. Speaking about the normal Marathon pain. If you are really seriously injured, you should if course opt out So when you are running your first Marathon try to be pessimistic at the start. Try to save energy. Tell yourself there is still a looooong way to go and it will get harder the closer you get to the finish line. Related posts:. Munich Marathon. Disney World Marathon Race Review. Hella Hamburg Half Marathon. Vienna City Marathon review. Thanks Blair!

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