You will need to have completed your theory test before applying for your practical test. The driving tests are designed to test the skills you will need to be a vocational driver. The application form is available from the link below:.
To find your nearest centre, information on the type of tests conducted and contact details, see the link below:. Driver Certificate of Professional Competence Driver CPC training is continuing professional development which carries on throughout a professional bus, coach or lorry driver's career.
This qualification is divided into four modules. We will not reply to your feedback. Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers.
The nidirect privacy notice applies to any information you send on this feedback form. Comments or queries about angling can be emailed to anglingcorrespondence daera-ni. If you have a comment or query about benefits, you will need to contact the government department or agency which handles that benefit.
Contacts for common benefits are listed below. Look out for these hazards Hidden junctions and turns.
Pedestrians or cyclists crossing the road. Vehicles emerging from side roads, parking places, or driveways. Large vehicles crossing over to your side of the road. Narrow roads where meeting other vehicles can be troublesome. Loose pets and farmyard animals. Changes in the traffic movement and volume because of temporary obstructions, such as broken down vehicles and road works.
Junctions and roundabouts. Horse riders. Adverse weather conditions. Road surfaces. Parked vehicles. Before you start the multiple choice test, you can have a practice session of up to 15 minutes to get used to the format of the test. You can score up to 5 points for each hazard. Each film shows one hazard apart from one film, which has two.
If you lose the letter, you can find a lost pass certificate number on GOV. Find out more about the case study test on the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence page. Your theory test certificate is valid for two years. Use this time to do some more preparation. You do not lose points if you click and get it wrong.
However, you will not score anything if you click continuously or in a pattern. You need this when you book your Driver CPC part 3 driving test. Your theory test certificate is valid for 2 years from when you passed the first part of the test.
You can book another theory test straight away, but you cannot take it for another 3 clear working days. You can apply for a refund of out-of-pocket expenses if the DVSA cancels your test at short notice. Check what you need to do. To help us improve GOV. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Cookies on GOV.