Again, though, if they're smart, they didn't use your computer and this trick won't work. Of course, knowing their IP only gets you so far. You'd still have to file a police report, send a subpoena to that IP addresse's internet provider, and find out where they're located, which could take a long time one reader told us it took him a month to go through the process. We've had readers email us with success stories using this method, but they are few and far between.
Whatever you do, don't try to track the thief down yourself and get your gear back. That could lead to all sorts of trouble. If you have an Android phone running 2. You can install it remotely from the Google Play web interface, after which it will start tracking your phone.
However, if your thief has turned off the device, turned off internet connectivity, or wiped your phone, you're completely out of luck, and have no way of tracking it. Sadly, there is no equivalent for the iPhone, since you can't remotely install apps on iOS. In the end, there's a good chance you'll never see your stuff again, even if you did install tracking software beforehand though there are quite a few success stories out there.
If the above tricks don't work, you can file a police report and give them your serial number, but there's not much you can do beyond that. We can't stress this enough: the best way to avoid this situation is to take precautions ahead of time : install software like Prey , LoJack for Laptops , or Find My iPhone. There is different tracking software in the market today that you can install on your laptop. Although some of the methods that we will share here are valid, if your laptop was stolen, then we recommend that you involve the police.
This is critical because you cannot confront a thief by yourself, even if you are successful in tracing him. Also, the locations that you will get from the tracker are approximate, which makes it hard to know which the exact door to knock is.
Moreover, a thief is not a law adherent, so he might want to harm you. For these reasons, make sure that you report to the police. In , Microsoft introduced a feature known as finding my device. This feature, as the name suggests, helps to track the approximate location of the device that has this feature. For you to use this feature, go to the Start menu on your laptop and type settings. On the bar that will appear, select the settings option.
Once you are the settings, now go to the update and security section and click on it. It will direct you to another sidebar menu. On this menu, look for the Find my device and click on it. This will direct you to another window where you can see whether the feature is enabled or not. If the feature is not enabled, then you need to click on the change button, which will direct you to another page where you can turn on the feature.
However, you need to have installed this feature, and it is, by default, turn off. Therefore, you need to activate or enable the feature before the laptop goes off. If the feature is enabled, then with a few quick steps, you can be able to track your computer. For you to track your device using this feature, you need to go to the Microsoft website and then log in to your account. After logging in, you will get a list of numerous devices.
Find your device from the list and then click on the Find my device button under the name of your device. Microsoft will then search for your laptop and then give you an approximate location where it is found. However, this feature can only find the location when the laptop is online. But they also offer the option of securing your computer remotely by locking the laptop. If you are using a Macbook or Macbook Air, they have a similar feature to find my device known to find my Mac. However, just like the Find my device feature, it needs to be enabled prior to the laptop goes off.
Besides tracking the laptop, you can use this feature to lock up the device. Also, you can send a message to the miscreant. Go to the iCloud settings on your head menu and choose the system preference. Once there, click on the iCloud icon, which will direct you log in. Once you access your iCloud, navigate to the Find my Mac. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn't match my screen. Incorrect instructions.
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